Chapter 20

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Vanessa's POV

When we got home Sarah and Stella were waiting for us inside right by the door." Hey Guys! How was the aquarium?" Stella chirps.

"It was awesome!" Zaciah says.

"Wow really! I wanna hear all about it,how about you and Marissa come and tell me everything while Aunt Stella helps your mom!" Sarah says

"Yeah,you guys can tell me all about it later!" Stella says.

Me and Stella went up to my room while the kids and Sarah went to the living room.
"So how was the aquarium?" Stella asks.

"It was good. We saw the whales,dolphins,sharks,turtles,starfish everything!"

"Sounds like you three had a good time."

"We did,we really did. I wish we could do things like that more often but all these movies kind of prevent us from doing them."

"Well I kind of wanted to talk to you about something." I say.

"Yeah what is it?" Vanessa asks.

"Well it's about Dylan,earlier when you guys were out,he came over and-"

"Sorry guys,but Stella,the kids are ready." Sarah says poking her head in the room.

"Ok,we'll be there soon." I say. Sarah nodded then left.

"What are the kids ready for?" Vanessa asks.

"Well me,Sarah and Dylan spent the whole day setting up a little date night for you and Zac to talk." I say.

"Where's the date set up?" Vanessa asks.

"Outside." I hear her pull back the curtains and gasp." Well I guess I have to go through with this now." Vanessa says.

"I have an outfit picked out for you." I say pulling out the outfit from her closet."Tell Sarah to tell Zac that I'll be ready in half an hour." Vanessa says,grinning.


Zac's POV

I've been at the trailer all alone since Dyl left. I went for a walk around the park where we're filming to see if anyone else is around but no one was around. At around 4:10 I got a phone call from Dylan.

D: Hey
Z:Hey,what do you want?
D:Go take a shower and put on the outfit that's hanging up in my room. Then come to Vanessa's in around half an hour.
Z: Why,did something happen?
D:Just do what I told you,oh and go to the flower shop that's by the river and pick up an order for Zac.
D:Just do what I told you,I'll see you when you get to V's house.

I quickly got up and took a shower and got changed into the outfit that was laid out on Dylan's bed.

I quickly got up and took a shower and got changed into the outfit that was laid out on Dylan's bed

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(A/N I was too lazy to crop the photo just ignore that)

Then I grabbed my wallet,phone and keys and set off for the flower shop. It turns out the order for Zac was a bouquet of red roses,Vanessa's favourite flowers. I drove to Vanessa's house to find Dylan waiting for me on the front porch.

"Good you're here. Follow me,V's almost ready." Dylan says quickly before leading me to the backyard. "What is V almost ready for? And what are these flowers for?" I say as I follow Dylan." Just follow me."

"Why does this feel like déjà vu?"
I ask.

We went around to the backyard which was all done up in lights.

We went around to the backyard which was all done up in lights

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"What's this all for?" I ask. "It's for you and Nessa. Me,Stel and Sarah spent all day working on it for you guys. Sarah and Stella are taking the kids to a hotel for the night while you guys spend the night together. And don't worry about the Ashley problem,I'm going to work on that tonight." Dylan says.

"You guys really didn't need to do this for us you know." I say.

"It was the least we could do for our favourite couple."

Me and Dyl heard the door slide open behind us. We turned around to see Stella and Vanessa standing there.

"Wow" me and Dylan say in unison.

"Before we leave the kids want to say bye

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"Before we leave the kids want to say bye." Stella says. Marissa and Zaciah come out." Dad!" They both say,hugging me. "Hey guys!" I say,hugging them back." Guys,let's get going,let's let your parents enjoy their night." Stella says.

"Bye Guys." Me and Vanessa say. "Bye!" They say before running back inside. "Have a good night guys!" Stella and Dylan say. "Bye,you too!"

Me and Vanessa stand in silence for a few moments. "Look,I'm really sorry,V." I say

"No it's my fault I-"
"No,it's my fault,I should've kept an eye out for anyone in the backyard and-"
"No,it's not your fault that Ash-"
"Okay,it's none of our faults. Let's just stop arguing and enjoy our night together,ok?"

We stand in silence again for a few moments before I leaned in and kissed her.


Until Next Time...


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