Chapter 28

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Ashley's POV
*1 week later*

I'm currently packing to leave for California. I'm not running away,but I do still have a husband and a job that I need to get back to. Me and Chris will be coming back before I'm not allowed to be on a plane.

"Hey,Ash you almost done?" Vanessa asked,from the doorway. My flight leaves in 4 hours and we got to leave in half an hour if I want to catch my flight.

"Yeah,and if I left anything out,I'll get it back in 4 months." I say,closing my suitcase then turning around to look at Vanessa.
I had told them the plan I came up with to get out of giving Austin my baby and both Zac and Vanessa agreed to it.
I've told Chris all that's happened and he immediately wanted to come here to be with me but I told him I would be home in a week.
"Well,come on I want to go hang out with everyone before I have to go."

*4 months later*

Chris and I just landed in Paris and have gotten all our bags. Zac and Vanessa said they were going to pick us up,so we decided to go wait by the front doors.

"Ash!" Someone called from somewhere behind us. I turned around to see Vanessa,Zac,Marissa and Zaciah coming towards us.

"Ness!" I hugged Vanessa while Zac and the kids greeted Chris.

Me and Vanessa pulled away from each other.

"You're so big now!" Vanessa exclaimed,putting her hands on my pregnant stomach.

I laughed while Zac,Marissa,Zaciah and Chris came over to us.

"Hey,Ashley!" Zac said,pulling me into a hug.

"Hey,Zac!" I said,returning the hug.

We pulled away from each other before I gave Zaciah and Marissa each a hug.

"You guys have gotten so big in these past 4 months!" I exclaimed

"So has the baby!" Zaciah said,jutting his chin out towards my stomach.

We all laughed before heading to Zac and Vanessa's mini van that they had rented for us to all use.


*4 months later*

I'm now currently 9 months pregnant and my doctor has said that I can have the baby any day now. Each day that passes the more nervous I feel,but we've already gone over the plan to keep my baby a million times. Me and Marissa are making a scrapbook for the baby to keep me occupied. It was her idea since Vanessa had made one for her and Zaciah when she was pregnant.

"Do you remember the day you found out you were pregnant?" Marissa asked as she placed my first ultrasound picture on a page.

"Uh yeah it was,January 28th,why?"

"I was thinking we could write out some important days on little pieces of paper. Like when you found out you were pregnant,the day of your first ultrasound appointment,things like that."

"Oh that's a good idea,did you get that idea from your scrapbook?" I asked as i placed a sticker of a baby bottle.

"Yeah my mom had all her appointment dates,name ideas,the day she found out,all her potential due dates. You could tell she had a lot of time on her hands."

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