Chapter 15

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Marissa's POV

It's been really quiet around the house today. Mom's been phoning people ever since she and dad had their little fight,Zaciah's been in his room all day and aunt Stella's been up to who knows what. I've stayed in my room all day since I don't really know what to do.

I've been just watching Netflix and YouTube and playing games on my phone. At 4:35 I decided to go looking for auntie Stella. I found her in the backyard on the phone."'Kay bye!" Aunt Stella said before hanging up the phone and putting it in her pants pocket.

"Hey,Marissa" aunt Stella said "how are you and your brother?"
"We're fine,Zaciah's still in his room,what are you up to?" I ask,curiously.
Aunt Stella thought for a moment then sighed." Ok I'll tell you,you know how your dad was planning a romantic dinner for your mom?"

"Yeah,that was supposed to be to tonight."

"Well,I hate seeing them fighting and I know you and Zaciah do too,so we,you,me,Zaciah and Sarah are all going to get them to stop fighting by preparing the dinner for them."

"Cool,so when are they going to have the dinner?"

"Well the plan is,tomorrow at around noon,you,Zaciah and your mom are going to go to the aquarium while me and Sarah prepare for the dinner. At around four,you guys will come home and the dinner will be ready,and while I help your mom get ready and you guys pack up bags for the night,Sarah is going to tell your dad to come over. Me and Sarah are going to take you and Zaciah to the hotel that aunt Ashley booked for you guys to stay in while your parents spend the night together."

"Good plan,when does Sarah come home?"

"She should be home in a few hours,so if you want to be a bit ahead of the plan you can go and tell Zaciah the plan and pack your bag while I prepare dinner for tonight." Aunt Stella said." Sounds good,I'll go tell Zaciah the plan and start packing" I say before running back into the house.

When I passed my mom's room,I heard her talking on the phone with someone." Austin,I've already told you that i can't do that!.....Why?! Because I have two children with him,and we just got back together and thanks to you,we're fighting only 1 week into our relationship!" My mom said,angrily.

Who is she talking to? Who's Austin? Is she talking about dad? I shook my head. It was rude to eavesdrop,I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and kept walking to Zaciah's room.

"Hey,Zaciah" I say pushing the door open a little. He looks up from the book he's reading." Hey" he says." Mind if I come in?" I ask. He shakes his head no. I open the door wider and go to sit next to him on the bed." What's up?" He asks." I just came to tell you that we're going to be going to a hotel with Sarah and Aunt Stella tomorrow."

"Really? Why? Why aren't mom and dad going to come?"

"Well that's the thing..." I told him the whole plan to get mom and dad back together." That's a really good plan! I'm going to start packing now so I don't have to rush tomorrow" Zaciah said before rushing to grab his overnight bag from his closet. I giggled then left the room to go pack my own bag.

Zac's POV

I drove back to my trailer on set,since that's where I've been staying while being in town. I unlocked the trailer door to find Dylan on the couch,talking on his phone.

"Really? I'm sorry,Stel,I really am. Do you want me to come over?"

"Ok,yeah he just got back,'Kay tell the kids we miss them....shut up,'Kay bye talk to you later."

He hung up the phone and turned the tv on." Hey bro!" He calls "hey,you talking to Stella?"

"Yeah,pretty crazy about Ashley"


"Why aren't you back at the house,shouldn't' you be comforting,V?"

"I should be,but we had a little spat,I'm giving her time to cool down."
I sat next to Dylan on the couch and set my drink in the table.

"Do you think she's missing you right now?" I looked over at Dylan." I don't know,maybe. It was on my watch when Ashley went missing,so Nessa has a right to be mad at me, I mean Ash is her best friend."

"Don't be sad bro,I'm sure by tomorrow you and Vanessa will be back in each other's arms like nothing ever happened."


Until Next Time...


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