Chapter 29

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He knew exactly who to go to to find answers. He barged into the clinic fangs barred and claws ready. From the parking lot he could hear the various sounds of a struggle. The slam of hands against a metal surface, a slight screech from underwater, Derek didn't know what was going on but he was about to stop it.

When he made it into the main examination room Deaton was just standing there wiping of his hands with a paper towel. Sitting at Deaton's feet was a metal tub filled with ice cold water. A girls face peeked in and out of the suspended ice.

Derek sighed to himself, his eyes faded from the werewolf green we was now growing accustom to. "Are you turning into a psychopath now too?"

Deaton laughed a little like it wasn't a valid question. "No, though my job requires some killing from time to time." He chuckled to himself. "Lydia is going in search of Stiles and Kaden."

"That's why I'm hear." Derek confessed as a wall of depression hit him lightning fast. Just the mention of their names made his whole body ache. "I want to help locate them."

"Let's see your eyes." Deaton demanded. "There are certain things alphas ca-" He was cut off by shock when Derek flashed his eyes. Derek already knew their color. The deep earthen green that reminded him of rebirth.

"What?" Derek asked perplexed. He was tired of having to ask for explanations. All he wanted was to have his family back. He didn't want to be a werewolf. He wanted to a normal. He wanted Sundays morning where he wakes up before everyone and makes pancakes. He wants to wake up next to his husband who is only wearing pajama pants and has horrible bed head. He wants to take his son to baseball games and movies. Derek had changed a lot. He used to be a moody, pessimistic, jerk. Stiles and Kaden had changed him for the better and now he wanted to share it with them.

"You're a delta." His nonchalant bubbly-ness had evaporated. His lips pursed and his brow furrowed, the wrinkles in his face slowly started to reform. "The literal translation means change. It's a rare case and only happens with alpha mates. The blue eyes mean you have taken an innocent life and are eyes of a beta. The earthen green ones mean you have created innocent life. It means you have been changed by something greater than you and you can never go back. Even alphas have to listen to you, and you are even deeper connected with the people you love most."

Steam started to rise from the tub caressing the room in its humid embrace. A gurgling sounded from the tub. The water began to boil and bubble. The steam surged from the tub this time demanding the rooms full attention. Lydia started to rise from the water light as a feather but stiff as a board.

The words of a thousand woman rang through the buildings framework shaking even the animals in the other room down with fear.

By full moons light the boy will be claimed

For dark or light that has not been named

A trickster and death do not play fair

His savior can only be a mother's heir.

"Carman has our son." Stiles' voice shot Derek back to reality. "And the next full moon is tonight."

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