Chapter 5

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As him and Derek got in the car he racked his brain for ideas. He still wasn't sure how he'd tell his dad that he was marrying Derek Hale., a wanted man for the murder of his sister. While, Stiles knew Derek didn't do it, the mess could expose them as werewolves though, so he wouldn't go into the station.

Stiles could already imagine it,"Oh Rhey dad, forgot to tell you, I'm getting married to the most wanted fugitive in Beacon Hills. Hope you can attend." He could already see his dad having a coronary. The vein in his neck popping out, and his face flaring that bright red that freaked Stiles out.

"Derek.." Stiles offered cautiously. His breath started to speed up. He hated panic attacks, but he got that quite often. Derek reached out for Stiles' hand to comfort him.

"Yes, babe." Derek replied worriedly. Just like last time the moment Derek touched him all he could feel was safe and content, if not a bit in heat. His breath slowed down; his vision refocused.

"How are we going to tell my dad?" Stiles inquired. His body shaking off the last of the anxiety.

"Just tell him to meet us at the loft and I'll handle the rest." Derek replied reassuringly. He looked away from the road for a split second and smiled at Stiles. The moved look kind of awkward on the used to be sourwolf, more like he was batting his fangs than a smile. All the same it made butterflies swarm Stiles' stomach and warmth fill his heart.

As everyone knew, Derek wasn't a genuinely kind guy, so to see him so loving still kind of through Stiles off. They pulled into Derek's garage, and got out.

"Stiles, before you call your dad, may we have a talk." Derek requested. Stiles resented the idea. What could they have to talk about at this moment in time? He needed to call his dad, who by the way didn't even know he was awake, let alone at Derek's loft. He wanted to say no, everything in him screamed that word. No. Then he looked up at Derek and saw that pained yet hopeful expression. He saw the hope and excitement in his eyes and he couldn't possibly do it.

"Yeah," Stiles started up the stairs towards Derek's make shift metal door. "But you have to beat me to your door first." Derek suddenly shot up the stairs in an almost panic to have their talk. Stiles couldn't even think about charging up the rust covered sheet metal stairs. When Stiles finally did get to the giant front door of Derek's loft he was stunned for a second. He forgot how big it actually was. A giant metal door about fifteen feet tall and twenty feet long sat open, Derek sat on his couch.

The loft itself was kind of bare. It was a concrete building with lard box like pillars held up the ceiling and a metal spiral staircase sat to Derek's right. A kitchen was off to his left, the most intriguing and beautiful part of the room was the coffee table that Stiles' oaf had his feet siting on top of. It was a hand-carved wooden table. Derek had told the pack story about how his grandfather had carved it out of wood from an ancient Druidic tree. It was suppose to do all kinds of supernatural things, protection and such.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Stiles asked as he plopped down next to Derek.

"I want you to move in with me." Derek offered. Fire danced behind his eyes. He really wanted this.

"I don't know Derek. I'm still in high-school. My dad might not even want me near you. Are you set on this?" Stiles questioned, a small part of him hoping that Derek you plead and make him feel wanted.

Derek didn't answer at first he just leaned in an kissed Stiles. The kiss was a passionate one; both of them putting their soul into it. Their tongues fighting for dominance. Derek's hands press into Stiles' hips, taking his thumbs he pressed into Stiles' pelvis with force. Stiles moan into Derek's mouth. When they finally came up for air Derek look straight into Stiles' eyes,"I'm dead set on this. if you're here I can make sure nothing can harm you. If you're here I'll be able to sleep easier." his voice seemed to quiver at the thought that I might get hurt. it was so sweet.

"I'll move in." Stiles said hoping to comfort Derek."I'm going to call my dad now. Is that alright?"

"Go ahead." Derek smiles and started to get up."I'm going to make us dinner." He kissed Stiles' on his cheek and walked to the modern style, stainless steel kitchen.

Stiles' went outside to make a call.



Part of Derek was sure Officer Stilinski would show up with a squad, but he didn't. Stiles' dad didn't even show up with his gun. He just knocked on Derek's door and sat down at on the couch.

"So, why am I here exactly?" Mr.Stilinksi asked a little irritated. The vein in his neck was pushing on his skin and the smell of stress permeated the air because of him.

"I wanted to ask a few things." Derek stated plainly.

"So, ask them." The Sheriff replied.

"You know about werewolves." Derek started. "Well, your son and I are mates. Which means we are destined to be together. As per Stiles' wishes I wanted to ask your permission to marry your son, and have him move in with me. Tonight." Derek requested without missing a beat.

Mr. Stilinski say there for a minute. He looked a little lost, as if someone just died or his child was stolen.

"He had to grow up sometime. Didn't he?" The answer shocked even Stiles. "Under one condition. I get to walk Stiles down the Isle and pay for the event." He paused and thought for a moment,"And I want to help with preparations."

"That sounds fair." Derek said confidently.

Stiles walked over to his dad and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you Dad." He whispered. Then the sheriff got up and left.



As Derek slept next to Stiles that night he dreamt of the Nebaton, which Stiles always thought was called the nevthon, the tree wasn't cut down, but in full flourish. It's green leaves shot towards the sky and it's power radiated from it. He had Stiles pinned to the tree. They were both nude and Derek was thrusting in and out of Stiles. Sweat permeated through both their beings and steam rose from them like they were on fire. The full moon shined onto them and just as Derek was about to finish the Nebaton went into full bloom, it's red flowers striking the night like blood on concrete. They fell around Derek and Stiles as the kissed through the end of it. The moment was perfect.

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