Chapter 24

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When he woke up he was strapped to an upright metal table. on the other side of the otherwise empty room Stiles was passed out on a metal table. Strapped down an leveled out. His wedding necklace was lying on the floor and both of their wedding rings sat on the table next to Stiles' face.

"Babe!" Derek whispered hoping that his mates hearing would kick in. "Stiles!" Derek snapped a little louder. Derek hadn't noticed before, but Stiles had out on some weight. His husbands pants looked a little to tight, his shirt clung slightly to his stomach.

"What's going on?" Stiles snapped in terror. "Why am I strapped to a table?"

"Calm down." Derek started. "Breathe, babe. Breathe." The door next to Derek opened and in stepped Carman.

"That's what I was about to say!" She smiled. She wore scrubs and a mask as if she were going to preform some kind of surgery. Derek stared her down trying to figure out her intent. He noticed for the first time that her eyes did not have pupils. They were just bright blue irises surrounded by a pearly white shell. "Now Stiles, this is going to be a delicate process. So please, don't move to much. You'll end up hurting him."

"Hurting who?" Derek asked before Stiles had the chance.

"You mean you don't know?" She questioned. "You haven't noticed the morning sickness, or the mood swing?" Carman asked intriguingly. Derek just stared back like she was crazy. "The cravings?" She tried again. Still nothing but a look from Derek. "Stiles is pregnant, and going into labor." She said as if it weren't a big deal.

Derek couldn't believe what he had heard. He was going to be a father. His whole world started to spin for a moment. Stiles hadn't told him. Had Stiles even known himself? Judging by the look on Stiles face, Derek would take that as a no. "That's impossible!" Derek said simply.

"In a normal case, yes." She said shrugging her shoulders. "But you two are werewolves and-" She smiled with an evil glint in her eye. "True mates." She began to spread oils and powders Derek couldn't recognize over Stiles' stomach. His eyes flashed white and he began to change. His body started to convulse, sweat spreading from his palms to his entire person.

As Stiles changed Carman began to explain. "You see, Stiles can conceive a baby in any form, wolf. or lycan, but he can only give birth as the wolf. It's the only for he is equipped to do so. So I induced transformation, just like I am going to induce labor." She laughed a little to herself.

Stiles laid there in wolf form whimpers escaped his maw. He began to convulse again this time from labor pains. His fur began to matt down with sweat, the table began to soak with clear fluid. Carman began to laugh hysterically.

A fog floated into the room and towards Derek. Carman completely oblivious to it, continued to laugh and watch his mate's pain. "I'll be there soon." Derek heard Lupa's voice in his head. "For now I will give you the power you must have to face my sister. To protect you family." At the word family Derek's eyes began to glow an earthen green. He snapped his restraints with ease and approached the banshee queen standing in front of him. With one quick motion he bashed her over the head.

She just turned to him laughing,"Is that all you-" She paused in horror when she noticed Derek's eyes.

"How did you-" She she stammered."Who did this to you?"

"Lupa sends he regards." Derek cracked his neck with a smile. He then proceeded to swing at Carman who dissolved into a thick mist.

Lupa buttered through the door,"We have to get him outside!" She yelled frantically. Derek ran to the window as busted it out clearing it of any glass then helped Lupa through it. He then picked up his mate and handed him through the window to Lupa, who carried him to the middle of the Eichen house garden.

Derek went around letting everyone out if the restraints and room and when he as finished he ran straight to his husband. With their rings and his husband's necklace in his pocket he sat at Stiles' wolf head. While rubbing his husband's head Derek slipped the necklace back on.

"You can do this." Derek consoled his mate. The pack started to file in around Derek, Stiles and Lupa.

"His head is coming." Lupa said excitedly. Out slipped a little wolf pup. Lupa picked him up and carried him to the fountain to wash him off. As Lupa did this Stiles shifted back into himself. Sweat covered every inch of his body an he shook slightly with the wind.

Derek took off his shirt an laid it over his husband's nakedness.

"I'm an aunt now." Lydia said in astonishment.

"I'm a father." Derek said even more dumbfounded. "We are fathers." He looked into Stiles' eyes that were bright green like his own.

Lupa bought back a blush baby boy,"I took away his power to shift until he is about fourteen. I figured it would help parenting." She smiled and handed Stiles their baby. "Have you chosen an name?"

Stiles looked down and their baby and smiled. He looked up at Derek and,"His name is Kaden."

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