Chapter 27

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He hadn't been able to get out of bed in days. His whole body seemed to wain at the thought of it. The thought of living without his child made his body hollow with agony. His body aches with the weight of malnutrition and is heart was caskets in despair. His child was gone. What hope did he have left in this world?

Stiles drifted in and out of consciousness as usual. His mind slipping between the dream real and his own personal form of hell. His dreams quaked with drifting sense of dread. His mind floated above a babies crib. Kaden's crib. A man and woman chittered in the corner of the dark room. Kaden sat in a woven basket on the ground, roots formed a cage around him. The room was lined with dirt, or ash. Stiles wasn't sure.

An oddly familiar woman's voice rang through his body. "What are you doing here?" She shrieked with disgust. The image started to dematerialize, fading as if a mist lifted from the morning rain. Stiles fought the to try and keep the image of his baby for just a few moments longer, but he did so in vain. He woke up covered in a cold sweat and his face a the remnants of ash on it.



The loss chewed always at him. He had been up for days searching and howling. His body craved to move, to locate his missing child. Sleep slowly started to claim him though. The needs of his body slowly clawing their way to the surface.

Derek laid down on his couch, because he could not bare to face his husband without their son, and drifted into a deep slumber.

In his dream he looked up at the ceiling from a woven basket and saw his husband's face staring back at him. He looked around the room and was slightly shocked at what he saw. Roots hung slightly from the ceiling and dirty covered the floor.

A woman walks over to Stiles' apparition and starts to scream at him for being there. A cry erupts from where Derek lies and he I shaken from his dream.

He snaps up from the couch and runs to his husband. "Stiles!" Derek shouts. "Stiles!" He shakes his husband, but the man he loves just lies there. His motionless body rests in the bed where they made their missing child and his seems to Derek that he's lost his husband too. Derek starts to cry. The man he loves is dead. The heartbreak of loosing their only son was too much for him to bare. Everything inside of Derek begins to break down and die inside as well. Then he hears it. A breathe emits itself from his husbands motionless body.

"Stiles!" Derek shouts. "I will find him!" Derek begins to cry on Stiles' shoulder. "I will find him!"

Derek sobs for a minute on his husband's shoulder. He let himself go for a minute because for the next few days he would have to keep it together. When he was finally done, he picked up his husband and carried him to his car.

"We're going to solve this." Derek said. "but first I need to drop you off at Deaton's. I can't take care of you and find Kaden, but we will be happy. I promise."



As Stiles shot up out of bed he felt funny. All he wanted to do was tell Derek what he had seen. He knew where Kaden was! He ran down the stairs and found his husband lying on the couch asleep. Stiles smiled a little bit; his husband hadn't slept in days and even with the circumstances he was glad that his husband got sleep.

He walked up to his husband and leaned over, "Babe." Stiles whispered. "Babe." He chimed.

Nothing Stiles tried would wake up his husband.

Derek finally got up and ran to the stairs. "Derek!" Stiles shouted. "Derek Hale!" He screamed. Stiles was begin to become furious. His body filled with white hot rage and he began to shake, "Listen to me god damn it!" Stiles roared in animalistic rage. His fangs shooting out, his eyes flashing green not red.

Derek just kept running up the stairs. What Stiles saw next chilled him down the his very core. His bones rattled in terror. Stiles saw himself lying in their bed. His husband was screaming at him to wake up, but he never did. Stiles didn't know what to do. He didn't even know what was happening, but he was terrified. Not only was he terrified of his death, but he was horrified that he would never hold Kaden in his arms again.


"What did you do to him?" The man shouted accusingly.

"I just made it to where he wasn't a problem anymore." The blonde woman shrugged off the mans accusations.

"You killed him!" The man shriek astonished-ly.

"No, I stuck his soul in limbo." Her blonde hair shifted under her. "I mean if he's there long enough, he'll die, but I didn't kill him. Just like I promised." She raised he right hand like it was a joke.

"Whatever." The man said. he continued to shift back and forth from smoke to man. "When is the full moon so we can claim him."

"Soon enough little brother." The woman sang melodically. "Soon enough." She laughed manically to the night as if it understood her malicious intent.

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