Chapter 19

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Lux's POV

once I got dropped off back home, I went upstairs and changed into some shorts from pink and an sweatshirt that belonged to Taylor.

I took a long, warm shower and stood there thinking about Hayes and our date.

he changed so much. so so much. he's gotten much more mature, so much wiser, and he understands his mistakes.

I don't see why I have to be so mad and have those barriers up against him. he truly has changed. and it's for the best. I trust him now. he does deserve that.

Hayes' POV { A couple days later }

I flew back to North Carolina for a few days to visit my mom, stepdad, will, and skylynn.

as I was there I saw my good friend Katelyn walking out of the gate of the flight from New York. I haven't seen her in about 2 years.

"Katelyn!" I yelled across the airport enough for her to see me and turn around.

she smiled her smile and ran up to me. I opened my arms wide and she brought herself directly into them.

"Hayes! it's so nice seeing you." she said with her voice muffled due to being against my t-shirt.

"it's so nice seeing you, too. how've you been?"

"good... what about yourself? hangin in there?"

that was what I adored about her. she always thought of others before herself. she was the one that replaced Lux a few years after she left. I actually had a crush on her for a few months, but of course outgrew that.

I couldn't have feelings for another girl. especially after the night with Lux. that night proved to me that I needed to do everything in my will to get that-

my thoughts are interrupted by Katelyn talking to me.

"so what were you doing in San Diego?" she asked curiously.

"I was there for Magcon then stayed with a family friend. Lux actually." I smiled at the sound of her name falling from my lips.

"Lux? your lux? Hayes, that's great!"

"yeah, I didn't think we would ever get back to the point we had while she was here, but I think she's finally starting to trust me again."

we hugged again then I noticed some fans across the airport taking pictures.

no, no, no. this can't happen.

I let go of katelyn and ran to those fans.

"Hey girls. did you take pictures of what just happened?"

"yeah, and we already posted them on twitter. you two looked like a good otp. I ship you. don't worry." the ginger with a pixie haircut said.

"would you guys mind taking it off? I don't want people to get the wrong impression. we're just good friends. that's all."

the blonde with green eyes laughed. "well. we can't do that now that our 60k twitter followers have seen them. and already 4k have retweeted."

they walked away without the brunette saying a word.

I noticed katelyn having trouble getting her bag so I grabbed mine and walked over to her.

"having trouble?" I said with a slight chuckle. she nodded and I grabbed her bag.

we walked out of the airport and didn't say a word. it was a concert able silence though. just because best friends are finally reunited.

I called over a taxi and after he put my bags in the trunk and walked back I the drivers seat, I gave one last smile and hug to katelyn before hopping in the taxi and giving him my mothers address.

It started at a football game... • A Hayes Grier Fanfiction •Where stories live. Discover now