The Good and The Bad: Final Chapter

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Chapter 22: "When It All Rises... Something Falls."

Three Years Later

*Damien Washington POV*

When I opened my eyes, I wasn't surprised to be hanging off of the bed. My neck was killing me, and there was some feet in my face. I groaned sitting up to see my beautiful girlfriend, Janae laying on her stomach with our daughter Liliana all over our pillows. She turned four about a couple of weeks ago and I swear she think she is grown. 

I got up, Liliana instantly filling the emptiness of the bed as she groaned looking up at me. "Daddy.." she pouted looking at me as I picked her up, not wanting her to wake up Janae. "I hungry." she pouted as I chuckled walking out the room with her, still in my arms. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen placing her on the counter leaning on it.

"What do you want?" I asked her, grabbing her sippy cup out of the counter, putting water in it. Janae will literally flip at the both of us if she didn't have water in the morning. I don't know why, I just listen. I handed it to her as she started to sip it.

"Um...pancakes!" she exclaimed as I nodded laughing at her jumping up and down. 

"Okay baby girl. Be still, I don't want you to fall." I grabbed the things to make the pancake batter. But I am going to completely  honest. I don't know how to cook this shit. Usually Janae is the one who cooks it, not me. 

After 15 minutes of trying to figure it out, and almost burning the house down, Janae came down looking confused as ever.

"What the hell is going on?" she asked me as I looked at her with pancake batter all over me. And some on Liliana. 

"Daddy doesn't know how to cook..." Liliana pointed at me as I squinted my eyes at her. Janae looked at me and laughed coming over to me placing a kiss on my lips.

"Thank you for the thought, but I'll take it from here. Get her cleaned up, and you too." she replied as I nodded. Janae walked over to Liliana placing a kiss on her lips as she started to giggle.

"Mommy's princess is so adorable isn't she!" she exclaimed ticking her as she started to go into a fit of laughter. I smiled at the sight, picking Liliana up. "We'll be down in a few minutes."


*Janae Williams POV*

I finished cooking our breakfast, turning off the stove. We had pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage and french toast. The french toast was more for me since I'm not really in the mood for pancakes considering we've eaten it for the past 12 days straight. But that's what Damien and Liliana love so I'm not complaining.

As I was fixing the plates, I felt a pair of hands wrap behind me immediately knowing that it was Damien. He started to kiss the side of my neck as I smiled at the feeling. "Damien.. I need to finish." I groaned out as he laughed pulling away. We walked to the table to see that Liliana was already at the table in her high seat. We sat down, prayed and started to eat. 

"Baby I want us to have a little date tonight.." Damien replied taking a bite of his pancake.

"Who's going to watch Liliana?"

"Amber and Delaney said that they'll watch her." he told me as Liliana perked up in excitement.

"Titi and Laney is watching me!?" she yelled in excitement as she started to do a little dance in her chair making me laugh. 

A couple of months ago, they asked us a very serious but important question. They wanted Damien to be the sperm donor, so that Amber could get pregnant. They thought Damien was a good match considering that they wanted both of their DNA for the child. I was completely for this. But him on this other hand was a little iffy about it. We were actually talking about it last night, and he decided why not. 

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