The Good and The Bad: Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: What Next?

*Damien Washington POV*

I am glad that this mess is over. Of course there was a consequence for the rest of the people that survived it but I was so lost. My head was all over the place and I couldn't help but question how the hell am I suppose to wrap my finger over all of this.

We ended up finding the bodies of Caleb, Yvonne, and Isabella and to be honest I didn't know how to feel about it. They were traitors. And in the mafia when you betray those who were there for you since day one, you don't deserve a second chance. But seeing my cousin there put a dent in my heart. This was more deeper then that. He was blood.

I was at home, as the nurse and doctor helped out Janae upstairs in her new room. We were in New York in my pent house. There wasn't really no point in us going back to Miami because the World Table (a group of men who decided where Mafia bosses crosses the line or not) have chosen to literally destroy the Chinese. Only leaving them with little gangs around China and the USA.

I was doing some paperwork when the door opened as her nurse, Veronica, and our doctor, Vincent, came in smiling.
I have my own personal nurse and doctor because for one I can't just go to a random hospital for situations like these. Maybe for colds or something but this is too serious. It could get the cops involved and that is something I want to avoid at all cost.

"Goodmorning Mr. Washington how are You?" Nurse Veronica said handing me a folder of Janaes progress as I smiled and thanked her.

"I'm getting there, how is she?" I asked them as Dr.Vincent sighed.

"She is still weak but she is gaining her strength. Though she is very dehydrated. So we have her on IV fluids to help with that. She is still in shock, but she is talking to us and laughing which is a good sign thank God." He replied sitting in the chair as I nodded.

"Her cuts are healing properly like I told you she needed a couple of stiches but she handled that pretty well. But-" she looked at Dr. Vincent as I looked at the both of them.

"But what?" I was getting a little nervous because they had a worried expression on their face.

"Janae is a couple of weeks pregnant." Dr.Vicnent replied as I choked on air.

"Are you serious? How is the baby doing?" I asked them.

"The baby is under stress but it's getting by. But for now we are having her under miscarriage watch. She is at high risk of having one." he responded as I closed my eyes.

"I'm telling you this as your friend Damien. She needs you now.." she told me as I sighed.

"I know but I-" I choked on my tears. "I can't help but look at her and blame myself that I did this to her." I told them as she pouted.

"Ignorning her isn't going to make the situation any better or erase what happened. You need to go make it better for her, the baby, and importantly you." She told me as I nodded.

A couple of minutes later Vincent left, and Veronica went downstairs to make Janae something to eat. I found myself standing outside of her doors. I heard talking inside, guessing that it was Amber and Delaney checking to see how she was doing. The door opened and I saw Amber and Delaney standing their. Them and my mother has been giving me the silent treatment, only talking to me when they absolutely have to.

"She's pregnant." I whispered to them as they looked at me on shock.

"Are you serious!?" Amber exclaimed as I nodded.

"Yeah, Veronica and Vince told me before they left. I don't think she knows so I have to tell her." I told them as Delaney shook her head.

"No you don't need to tell her anything. She is already under a lot of stress as it is, and telling her that isn't going to make it better." She told me as I rolled my eyes.

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