The Good and The Bad: Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Family and Friends Reunion 

I sat down on next to him on the airplane. He looked at me, scoffed then looked back down at his phone. "I don't know why you mad, that's your fault you ain't want to listen to me.." I trailed off.

Damien and I made a bet couple of weeks ago to see who could make it the longest without sex. It was a piece of cake for me, but for him it seemed a bit of a struggle but he ended up breaking it. This morning to be exact. What was the punishment? The looser had to get their nipples pierced. Now out of the kindness of my heart, and because I always wanted to do it I got mine pierced with him. I don't see why he hated it though, it looked sexy as fuck on him. 

"Are you mad at me?" I pouted at him as he looked at me and scoffed.

"No my nipples are sore.." he told me as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Mine are too." i told him as he licked his lips then looked at me. 

"Lemme suck-" but I cut him off before he could say something.

"No sir. Not today satan." I told him as he laughed 

"What?" he asked me giving me that goofy ass smile of his that always made me weak. 

"Nothing.." I shook my head as he looked at me and smirked. The next thing I knew, his lips were connected to mine. We were in mid kiss when I heard a scoffed. I looked up and saw Delaney.

"If you guys are thinking about joining the mile high club, please don't do it in front of our faces.." she scoffed sitting by Amber as I looked at her confused.

"What's that?" I asked as Amber chuckled.

"We'll let pretty boy over here tell you. Us on the other hand are proud members of the club.." they shared a kissed as I gushed at how cute they were. I looked at Damien waiting for him to say something but instead he was blushing and biting his lips.

"May you explain to me?" I asked him as he sighed whispering it in my ear.

"It's when a couple have sex on an airplane.." he told me as I started blushing. The two girls on the other side of the room bursted out laughing. 

"I've learned enough for the day."


"It's so beautiful.." I looked out the window of the SUV, looking at the scenery of Italy and boy was it beautiful. The mountains, the rivers. Everything.

"I know right. I'ma gonna have to take you to beach here.." He told me as I scrunch my nose at him.

"I'm tired of the beach." I told him as he chuckled.

"We don't have to go swimming. Just for the sight seeing." he kissed me on the cheek. 

About an half an hour later, we pulled up to a huge ass mansion. We stepped out, then walked to the house. He knocked on it, and a couple of seconds later I saw his mom opened the door as she engulfed him into a huge hug.

"Mio figlio it's so nice to see you again!" she exclaimed as he hugged her back. She looked at me and smiled.

"You look Bellissima!" she hugged me as I hugged her back. "Is my son treating you right?" she asked me as I nodded. 

"Yes ma'am. He made it official." I told him as she gasped in surprised.

"Finally! Now all I have to wait on is the grandchildren!" she clapped her hands excitedly as she looked behind us.

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