Chapter 26

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(Y/n)'s POV

I pulled the coat tighter around my body as I made my way to the shopping centre. It was near my apartment so I didn't exactly mind.

If I could've, I wouldn't have come here. I was only doing this for the sake of Yuuta. Otherwise, there would be no reason for me to meet her again.

I spotted her waiting by a restaurant, looking a little restless. Her skin was paler than usual, plus she had bags under her eyes. Was she sick? Well, it wasn't any of my business. She has never cared about me before.

As soon as she saw me, we both headed inside the restaurant and took a table near the back. I waited for her to speak up first but she kept her head down.

"There's a reason for why you called me here. Is it Yuuta?"
"Most of it is..."
"...I-I'm sorry."

...was it okay for me to forgive her? After everything she has done...would I be able to forgive her and let it all go? I wasn't sure. It depended on what she had to say.

"Tsubasa's ex, he came to talk to me," Yumiko started.
"About Yuuta?"
"He told me to confess. Of course I denied everything at the start but...what he said after surprised me."
"What did he say?"
"I was really jealous of you. I didn't want to forgive you for having idols as your only friends. It just wasn't fair..."
" that why you did what you did?"
"Yeah, I couldn't get over the fact that you had connections-"
"They're not connections, they're my friends."
"Right, your friends. I thought that you just used the fact that you knew them to get your way."
"That's just a stupid rumour."
"I know that now. Kaneshiro asked me if I was happy doing all that. If I was okay with hurting you behind Yuuta's back."
"Were you?"
", I didn't want to lie to him. You may not believe me but I really did love him. It hurt to lie to him but I knew that if I confessed, he would want to break up."
"So? What did you do?"
"After giving it some thought, I told him everything. I didn't...want to end up as the antagonist in the story."

But you already did. You became the antagonist as soon as you threatened me with B Project's reputations. In fact, if you really did love them, then you would have prevented their reputation from getting ruined.

"I'm really sorry for everything, (Y/n)! I...won't ask for your forgiveness but I'm sorry."

Should I forgive her or not? This all started because of her but she was just jealous. That's right...a stupid feeling called jealousy ruined everything. But in the end, Goshi changed that.

But something was different. It just wasn't right. Yumiko...would never give in to me so easily. At least I don't think she would. What else did Goshi say to her? Was that it?

"*smirks* Did you really believe that I'd apologise to you?" she asked, a vicious glint in her eyes.
"So you lied about all that."
"No, everything I told you was true, except for the part about me being sorry. I hate you, I despise you. You're the worst! I hate people like you!"
"...I see."
"What? You're not going to argue back? At least act surprised!"

I just stared at the menu in front of me. Argue back? What for? Nothing would come out of a silly argument. *sigh* I shouldn't waste any more time.

As I stood up from my seat, someone from behind knocked the back of my head. I could feel my consciousness fading.

No one's POV

~1 hour later~

(Y/n) had woken up, or at least regained her consciousness. She was tied to a chair...stuck in the middle of a large, dimly-lit room. It looked like an abandoned factory.

"Where am I?..." she asked herself.

Instead of a reply, two men came in with Yumiko. One was dressed in a fancy suit, he seemed to be some politician. The other looked rough and intimidating.

"Yumiko, this is the girl?" asked the fancy-suited man.
"Yes father."
"Hmm, I see. Make sure she isn't alive by the time we get back. Clean up after," he told the other man.

Yumiko snickered at (Y/n) before leaving with her father. The other man went to the back of the room and picked out a few knives.

Of course, without knowing what was going on, (Y/n) was extremely frightened. After all, she was about to be killed in an unknown isolated area.

The man walked awfully slow, deliberately making her fear him. It seemed like she had given up. There was no hope left...until the doors were burst open.

The police rushed in and pointed their pistols at the man. Looking defeated and angered, he reluctantly lowered the weapons and put his hands up.

While this was happening, (Y/n) was freed from the chair. Silent tears had slid down her cheeks as she realised what had happened.

"Are you (L/n) (Y/n)?" asked the policeman.

~Some time later~

(Y/n) had been taken to the police station along with the man. Both Yumiko and her father had come as well.

While they were being interrogated, (Y/n) sat alone on the bench inside. That was, until Goshi rushed inside, out of breath.

"(Y/n), thank god you're okay..."
"G-Goshi? What are you-"

He pulled her in for a hug, cutting her off in the middle of her sentence. She could feel his trembling even though they were both perfectly safe.

"What happened? How did you know I was here?" (Y/n) asked.
"I found out about Yumiko's father being involved in these gangs. He has a lot of power and I got worried when you said that you were meeting up with her..."
"You idiot. Why didn't you tell me before? I was almost killed."
"I know. That's why I regret letting you go."

She smiled, despite the situation she was in before. She was just happy that he had come.

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