Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s POV

~Two days later~

"Hey (Y/n), aren't you excited?" Yuuta asked with a happy grin on his face.
"Of course I am!"

I managed to smile back before looking out the window. He hasn't talked to me ever since that 'incident'. I don't know how he could act so...normal, as if nothing had happened between us.

Kento had taken the seat next to Tsubasa, indirectly forcing Goshi to sit next to me. Yumiko and the rest of the crew had taken a different bus, which was relieving. I wouldn't have been able to face Yumiko and Yuuta together.

Goshi had been leaning against my shoulder the whole time. He just flashed me a tired smile before falling asleep as soon as we got on the bus.

He had unconsciously grabbed my arm in his sleep. His grip was tight as sweat formed on his forehead. I looked at him worriedly. What should I do?

I shook him lightly, trying to get him to wake up from what I assumed to be a nightmare. After a while, his eyes shot open before he suddenly yelled out my name.

Everyone turned their heads to look at him, which made him blush a dark shade of red. His gaze soon turned to meet mine. I looked at him curiously, tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"S-sorry, I just had a nightmare," he exclaimed while looking away, embarrassed.
"*smiles* You don't have to apologise."

He let out a sigh before leaning his seat back.

"Oi, I'm getting squished," Tatsuhiro said, annoyed.
"Then move to a different seat," Goshi replied while closing his eyes.

~One hour later~

Wow...the view here was amazing. The crystal blue water seemed almost transparent, like tainted glass. The sun's rays shining down made the water sparkle. Golden sand tickled our toes as we walked along the shore.

Almost no clouds were in the sky, leaving a painting of blue shades. I could seriously stare at this all day...but the fact that Yuuta and Yumiko were standing awfully close to each other was getting on my nerves.

Goshi never left my side even though Tsubasa offered to walk with him. It felt like my heart was being glued back together with relief. It was wrong of me to think that but I couldn't help the fact that my feelings for him were strong.

"(Y/n), we're almost there. Why don't you tell everyone to get ready for the photoshoot?" Yumiko asked with fake politeness.
"Oh, sure."

I called out to each separate group before giving them their schedule for the two-day trip. After a little talk with our boss, Yumiko returned straight back to Yuuta's side. I tried to hold back my anger.

"Alright, Moons, you're on first," said Mr Hitoshi.
"Yes sir," they replied.

I watched as they headed to the change rooms to get ready. *sigh* What was I even doing here? There was no reason for me to even attend this, no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise.

Yumiko was talking happily to my brother, not even bothering to hide the fact that they seemed close. Kento caught me staring and flashed me an encouraging smile.

"Hey Kaneshiro, want to go look at the rock pools?" asked Tsubasa.
"Huh? Whatever you want, I don't care," he replied before following her.

My amended heart broke again. I dipped my feet into the water while looking out at the sea. Suddenly, Tomohisa and Ryuji were by my side with ice-creams.

Ryuji handed me a (f/f) one without looking at me. I simply smiled before taking it from him.

"This almost seems like a vacation," Tomohisa commented.
"Yeah, I know right. The water feels nice."
"Apparently we're going to be taking some photos in the ocean some time later today," he said.
"Oh, really? That sounds interesting."
"Tch, interesting? It'll just be freezing cold," Ryuji replied.
"Come on, don't be like that. It's going to be fun."
"Why don't you join us then?"
"Huh? Me? I can't do that."
"Why not? You can just go for a swim after our photoshoot is finished."
"She says sure," Kento cut in with a smirk.
"Eh?! I don't-"
"I won't take no as an answer. Surely you'd look cute in a bikini."
"*blush* I am not going to-"
"Your ice-cream's melting."

I looked down and realised that the whole thing had dripped all over my hands and onto the sand. How come I never noticed?! Ugh, I can be so stupid sometimes...

Before I got a chance to go grab some tissues, Yuuta handed me two wet wipes. I thanked him, mostly because of the wet wipes but also because he had actually decided to ditch Yumiko and come here.

"Thrive is up next. You better watch us, sis," he exclaimed happily.
"Sure thing, Yuuta."
"Hey, I heard that Yumiko's writing an article on this. Apparently she's the best on the team."
"Oh, h-haha. Well, her writing is definitely...unique."
"I can't wait to read it when it comes out. Maybe you could write some in the future."
"I'd love to but apparently I'm just not good enough."
"I'm sure you're more than good enough."

I managed to smile as he smiled and put a thumbs up. Soon enough, it was Thrive's time to go have their photoshoot. I went with them because I was being pulled along by Yuuta.

Kento winked at me before smiling in front of the camera. Goshi didn't even bother looking at me while Yuuta gave Yumiko a small grin.

She stood beside me. I could tell without looking at her that she was staring at Yuuta the whole time. I held myself back from punching her in that 'oh-so-perfect' face of hers.

"Hey, Yuuta's mine. Don't talk to him too much," she commanded in a small whisper.

I glared at her. Damn it! Why couldn't lasers shoot out of my eyes?!

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