Chapter 6

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(Y/n)'s POV

~Timeskip to the weekend~

"Hey (Y/n), sorry but I've got a lot to do today so we won't be able to meet up. Why don't you hang out with everyone else?"

That was what Yuuta had said. Why was he avoiding me? Why did he keep it a secret? It was obvious that he didn't want me to see him together with Yumiko.

I sighed heavily as I headed to Kitakore's apartment. Apparently both Kento and Goshi had to attend some interview today so they were busy for the whole day.

Ryuji had unexpectedly invited me over for the day, claiming that they had nothing to do. Well, even if that was true, I don't think I'd be able to make their day any more exciting.

I unlocked the door with the spare key that I had. Yashamaru had given them to me, saying that he trusted me with the keys in case something bad happened. Of course, everyone only found out after but accepted it without much thought.

"Hey (Y/n)," Ryuji greeted with his usual stoic expression.
"Morning Ryuji. Where's Tomo?"
"He went to buy some groceries. He'll back in a few minutes."
"Oh, okay."

I sat down next to him and looked at the book he was reading. When I saw the title, my eyes immediately widened. Omg, that was my favourite!

"That's my favourite!"
"Well, it's okay I guess," he replied while putting it down on the table.
"Eh? Seriously? It's the best!"
"Hmph, whatever."

I pouted as he said that. Well, I guess everyone had their own opinions. As we waited in silence for Tomohisa to cone back, I looked out the window at the view below.

Somewhere, outside, Yuuta was with Yumiko. To be honest, I felt somewhat upset that he hid that fact from me. What was so bad about telling me? I thought he would, he always did...

"Oh, you're here already?"
"Hey Tomo,"
"Sorry for coming back so late."
"Don't worry about it."
"I was a little surprised when Ryuji suddenly invited you over. I had to rush to go buy groceries since he said you were staying for the whole day."
"Huh? Surprised? Why?"
"Oh, I thought you were going to hang out with Goshi and Kento today. They don't have anything planned."
"Geez, can you not tell that they obviously do have something planned? That's why I invited (Y/n) over. It's not like she can hang out with her brother when he's on a date," replied Ryuji.
"So it was true after all..."
"That he had a date with Yumiko."
"Didn't he tell you?"
"No, but I could tell."

Tomohisa and Ryuji exchanged confused looks, as if they didn't expect something like this to happen. Well, it does happen occasionally...maybe not really...okay, it has never happened before. But that should be fine...right?

"So what have you got planned for today?"
"Why don't we try making some lunch together? I invited the others from Moons but they said that they had a busy schedule today," Tomohisa answered with a smile.
"Oh, sure. Ryuji, you helping?"
"Why should I? It doesn't take all three of us to cook something."
"*smirks* Maybe you're just embarrassed that you can't cook."

He glared at me, trying to look mad but that failed immediately after a blush crept onto his cheeks. I simply laughed at his cute reaction.

"Shall we get started then?"

Yuuta's POV

I laughed as Yumiko dropped her vanilla flavoured ice-cream on the ground. A pink blush appeared on her cheeks, which I found quite cute.

Well, I would say that she was pretty cute in general. Her navy blue hair complimented her features perfectly along with her bright hazel eyes. She was also shorter than me, which just added to her cuteness.

"Yuuta, why are you staring at me? It's embarrassing..."
"Hmm? I can't help it if you're so cute."
"*blushes* Y-Yuuta..."

I simply smiled at her as a reply. I still didn't understand why Go-chan was so mean to her. She was like an angel, only cuter. I couldn't believe he thought that she would hurt (Y/n).

Nobody would dare hurt my sister. She was my sister, so it was obvious that I had to protect her. Sometimes she could be a little stubborn and headstrong but that didn't mean that she wouldn't get hurt.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Yumiko asked while tilting her head to the side.
"Ah, nothing. Why don't we go get another ice-cream?"
"Hehe, sure."

As we headed to the ice-cream stand, I couldn't help but think about (Y/n). Why didn't I tell her that I was going on a date with Yumiko? What was I so afraid of?

Now that I actually think about, I've always told (Y/n) everything. My thoughts, feelings, schedules...everything, so why was I hiding this from her? Was it because of Goshi?

To be honest, we've grown a little distant from each other. If it wasn't for him, then everything would've stayed the same. I guess I was being too overprotective. I was afraid...that he'd steal (Y/n) away from me.

"Hey Yuuta, I want the mint flavoured one this time," exclaimed Yumiko.
"Okay, I'll get it for you."

After getting the ice-cream for her, I got a text from (Y/n). I smiled to myself as I read the message that came with the photos. She had made (favourite dish) with Ryuji and Tomohisa.

I wished I was there too. They looked like they were having lots of fun. Wait, now wasn't the time to think about such useless things. I had a date with Yumiko so I don't see why what (Y/n) was doing was more 'fun'.

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