Chapter 25

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Thanks for bringing the groceries, guys."
"You're welcome," Tomohisa replied with a smile.
"By the way, what are you making?" asked Hikaru.
"What do you guys want to eat?"
"Anything's fine with me."
"(Y/n), how about pasta?" Yuuta asked.
"Sounds good."

As I headed to the kitchen, I immediately sighed. They had bought too much. What did Kento tell them? To bring ten bags of groceries each? We weren't super humans. It's not like we could eat this much...

"Whoa, are we using all of this?" Yuuta asked.
"No, we'll only use what we need."

The dishes we were making included the following: garlic shrimp pasta with creamy sauce, caesar salad and apple crumble for dessert.

I glanced at Yuuta to make sure he was okay with everything but all I could do was stare at him in surprise. Since when did he learn how to cook so well?

"I sometimes cooked with Yumiko," he exclaimed as if he had read my mind.
"Don't worry, I'm okay."

I just smiled and continued with making the salad. Yuuta was in charge of the pasta. But if we were going to make the apple crumble, then we'd have to eat later than everyone else.

I was pretty hungry so that thought made me a little depressed. I mean, who didn't love food? As I stir-fried the chicken pieces, Tomohisa came into the kitchen.

"Was there something you needed?"
"I can help if you want," he offered.
"*smiles* Thanks, that'll be great."
"What do you need me to do?"
"Can you make the apple crumble?"
"Yeah, that's fine with me."
"Use whatever you need."

He nodded before going to grab the ingredients.

~Some time later~

Everyone had already begun eating. I smiled to myself. It sure was relieving that they seemed to enjoy the food. To be honest, I wasn't really that confident with my cooking skills.

"Thanks for making dinner for us, (Y/n)," Mikado said.
"You're welcome. Tomo and Yuuta helped too."
"It wasn't much of a big deal," Yuuta exclaimed while waving it off as nothing.

As soon as we finished eating, Kazuna and Momotaro offered to wash the dishes. I gratefully accepted their help and thanked them.

While we were waiting for them to finish, I headed to the balcony and stretched out my arms. For some reason, I felt tired even though I didn't do much.

*sigh* Suddenly, someone hugged me from behind and leaned against my back. I knew it was Goshi even though I didn't see his face.

I could hear his steady breathing as he rested his head on my shoulder. And again, heat rushed to my cheeks. Damn, when could I control my blushing?

"You're blushing again, aren't you?" he asked in a low voice.
"T-that's- what? No I'm not."
"Sure you're not. I can tell. Should I make you blush even more?"
"I'm just kidding...that's what you thought I'd say, right?"
"Hey, that's enough joking around."

He just smirked before turning me around and kissing me on the nose. I pushed past him and went inside. I could tell that he felt satisfied with my reaction.

"(Y/n), your face is all red. Are you alright?" Ryuji asked.
"I'm perfectly fine."
"Goshi, I hope you didn't do anything weird to her," Momotaro exclaimed.
"Weird? Pfft, as if," he replied while sitting down.

As I leaned against the chair Yuuta was sitting on, something cold touched my cheek. I jumped back while letting out a small scream.

"Didn't think that'll actually scare you," Hikaru said while putting down the cold drink.

~The next day~

Yashamaru had called me to ask me to go meet him at (cafe). I didn't know what it was about since he ended the call after telling me to meet him at 10am.

I saw him waiting at a table for two near the back. He had already ordered our drinks. Wait, how did he know that I liked that?

"What did you want to see me for?"
"I want to offer you a job," he said calmly.
"A-a job?"
"Yes. Since Tsubasa's moving overseas, I want to hire you as B Project's new A&R. Of course, you'll be able to write the articles in case we ever need to publish something."
"Are you serious?"
"Why would I be joking about this? So, do you accept?"
"Of course I do! Thank you so much!"
"*smiles* We can do the contract stuff later. Come on, the boys are waiting," he exclaimed while patting my head.

I smiled as I followed him outside. He had taken both of our drinks, making me remember that I hadn't even touched it. Oh, right. I almost forgot about it.

He passed it to me as we headed to the building up ahead. As soon as we went inside, Yuuta happily ran towards me, almost knocking me over while doing so.

"Calm down."
"Hehe, sorry. You accepted the job, right?" he asked, his eyes hopeful.
"Yes, how could I ever refuse?"
"Hmph, guys. Give me the money."
"Oh, I made a bet with the others. I said that you would accept straight away but some of them said that you'd need time to think about it."

I sighed. Wait, how did they even know I was being offered a job as their A&R?

"Goshi was the one that asked me to give you the job," Yashamaru said, answering my question.
"Yeah, he was really worried about you. I thought he even needed to go to the hospital because of how much he was worrying over it," Kento replied, smirking a little.
"W-what? I didn't worry. Stop spewing lies," Goshi argued, blushing slightly.
"Thank you."

He avoided my gaze and looked away, too embarrassed to say anything else. I just smiled and kissed his cheek, making him blush even more. Heh, he looked cute.

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