Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s POV

On the piece of paper, Kento had asked if I was okay...that if I needed someone, he would be there for me. *sigh* I shouldn't be hiding in my room any longer.

I've stayed in here long enough. After all, I've had enough time to pack up all my things before we started heading back. Suddenly, a knock on the door startled me from my thoughts.

This time, I gathered up my courage and went to get it. The beating of my heart increased with every step I took. Just calm down, it probably wasn't and wouldn't be Goshi...or Yumiko.


A sigh of relief quietly escaped my mouth as I opened the door. On the other side was Ryuji. He held a bag of snacks as he walked into my room and sat down in front of the table.

I closed the door and followed him inside, confused on what he was doing here. He set the food on the table while I looked at him expectantly.

"What are you doing just standing there? Here, I even went to the trouble of buying these for you. They're your favourite," he exclaimed while sucking on a lollipop.
"R-really? Thank you."
"Hmm, what's wrong? You're usually not so stiff around me."
"A-ah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it."

He reached for something inside the bag and pulled out my favourite type of chips. I quickly caught it, having to awkwardly reach for it before looking at him.

He raised his eyebrow, expecting something. I sighed before opening the packet and taking one from inside. My stomach grumbled loudly as I plopped the chip inside my mouth.

"You've been stuck in this room for the whole time. I doubt you've even thought about your own well-being," Ryuji exclaimed while opening can of (favourite soft drink).

I thanked him before taking the can and gulping down its contents.

"What are the others doing?"
"Thrive and Moons are probably doing their collab photoshoot right now. Tomo and I have finished for the day."
"Oh, I see."
"And Yumiko's been wanting to talk to you."
"Well, tell her that I don't want to see her."
"I think your boss will fire you on the spot for refusing her 'order'. He seemed pretty upset that you ignored her for the day."
"Anyway, come out when you're ready."

He left, leaving me all alone with the snacks. I looked inside and saw all of my favourites, just like he said. I wonder how he knew. Maybe he asked Yuuta or something.

Oh right...I almost forgot about everything that had happened this morning. And I still didn't know what Yuuta was thinking about all this...

Hmph, Goshi probably didn't even spare a thought for me. After all, he did announce that Tsubasa was officially his girlfriend.

Goshi's POV

What the hell was I thinking? Why did I just do that? Did I really like Tsubasa more than (Y/n)? Well, Tsubasa did seem overly happy that I had chosen her.

I didn't even see (Y/n) during the photoshoot. Tch, she was probably sulking. I mean, what was bothering her so much? She should just grow up and act like an adult for once.

Wait, why was I being so...judgemental? It wasn't like she did anything to offend me...damn it.

"Hey Goshi, what are you thinking about?" Tsubasa asked.
"Oh, sorry. Would you still prefer I speak with all the formalities? I just thought that since we were dating and all..."
"*sigh* Do whatever you want."
"O-okay. So what were you thinking about?"
"Nothing, nothing at all."
"Are you okay? It seemed like you were thinking pretty hard about something."
"Just leave me alone for a while."

She grabbed onto my hand, making me turn around. I internally groaned but still waited for her to speak up. She didn't mean any offence by doing this so there was no reason for me to get mad.

"I um...never mind. Just...I hope you feel better," she exclaimed with a somewhat forced smile.

I shook it off as nothing important and continued to walk along the shore. 'Why did I decide to date Tsubasa?' That question still remained in my mind unanswered.

Suddenly, I heard a small scream from behind the large, sharp rocks. It sounded like (Y/n). Without thinking, I ran towards her voice and around the rocks.

I saw her sitting on the sand, holding onto her foot. She had ripped some of her plain black shirt to tie around it.

Just as I was about to go away, she looked up and met my gaze. A strange feeling creeped up into my chest as I stared at her.

She looked so innocent, so vulnerable. I couldn't help but want to pull her to my side, where she could stay forever. But that was all in the past. I had Tsubasa now. (Y/n)...simply wasn't as important anymore...

"H-hey," I said awkwardly.

She forced a gentle smile before attempting to stand up. I noticed a few drops of blood on the sand where her foot had been resting. Did she...hurt herself?

A small crab crawled across the sand and disappeared into the ocean. Its colour was so similar to the colour of the sand that I had barely noticed it. In fact, the only thing that helped me see it was the red liquid its claws were dipped in.

Did (Y/n) accidentally step on it? Tch, not like I should care. She had Kento and Yuuta to look after her. She no longer needed me. And plus, I couldn't look after two people at once.

"Well, um it was nice seeing you. I'll get going now," she exclaimed.

Was it just me or did she sound a little distant? I continued to watch her as she stumbled back to the resort. Damn it! I wanted to go hold her so bad...but it should all be in the past now...right?

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