Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s POV

What was wrong with me? Did I honestly just walk away like that? Ugh, I was such a coward. Why didn't I confront him?

We were already on the way back. This time, I sat alone while Tsubasa obviously sat with Goshi. He didn't seem to mind one bit. Well, they were dating after all.

I had secluded myself from everyone else. While they had all gone to the back, I chose to sit near the front with the bus driver as my only company.

The music from my earphones drowned out the noise in the background. No one bothered to come, which I found a little upsetting.

From before, I could tell that Tsubasa was glad. She seemed very happy about the fact that Goshi had asked her out. Tch, she was so dense sometimes. I mean, could she not feel the mood?

I should probably leave them alone for a while. Maybe that'd be for the best. A vibration from my phone made me look down, away from the passing scenery.

Yumiko: Feeling worse?

Me: What do you want?

Yumiko: It's hard, isn't it? Seeing him with another girl

Me: That's none of your business

Yumiko: I think it is. After all, my boyfriend is in the same group as him

Me: He's my brother

Yumiko: Think whatever you want

I gripped my phone hard, making my knuckles turn white. It wasn't supposed to end like this. Yuuta wasn't supposed to end up with her...

Tears threatened to fall as I forced myself to snap out of it. My brother's love life wasn't my business. I shouldn't pry into his personal life.

What I should focus on right now was getting my work done. My love life could wait a few years, after my feelings for Goshi have died down.

~Some time later~

"You're so good at the guitar," I heard Tsubasa say through the door.
"W-well, I have been playing for a while," Goshi replied.

That's right. This basement studio wasn't somewhere I could just enter freely anymore. This place belonged to Goshi and Tsubasa now. I had no right to be here..

Just as I was about to leave, the door opened, nearly hitting me in the face. Tsubasa looked at me in surprise while Goshi showed no signs of emotion.

"Hey (Y/n), what are you doing here?" Tsubasa asked, oblivious to the tension that had risen.
"Just walking around. I'm off work today."
"Come on, Tsubasa. Let's go, we have better things to do," Goshi exclaimed while pushing past my shoulders.

Better things to do? Tch, fine then. Two can play at that game. I made a mental note to myself to focus on work from now on. It was clear that he wanted nothing to do with me now that I was just a memory from his past.

"Hey," Kento greeted.
"I'm going back to my apartment. Sorry but I probably won't be visiting for a while. Call me if anything happens."

I turned slightly, waiting for him to continue.

"Are you really okay with leaving like this? Will you just let things stay the way they are right now?"
"There's nothing left for me to do now, Kento. I've lost from the moment I was born. This world...has no hope for me."
"Is that what you really think?..."
"Well, see you later."

Kento's POV

Tch, I couldn't just leave this alone. I needed to talk to Goshi but first, I needed to see Yuuta. I wanted to know what he thought about all this.

As I headed back to Thrive's apartment, I passed by Tsubasa who had what seemed to be a bracelet clutched tightly in her hand.

Did Goshi buy that for her? When was the last time he bought something of significance for (Y/n)? *sigh* I don't even remember.

I went to Yuuta's room and knocked on the door. He opened it and smiled cheerfully when he saw me. I managed to smile back before going inside.

"Do you need something, Ken-Ken?"
"Yeah, it's about (Y/n)."
"I'm sure you've already known about her feelings for Goshi."
"Eh?! That was true?! I mean, I had a hunch but seriously?!"
"Geez, and yet you're her brother..."
"*blushes in embarrassment* W-whatever, she's never talked about her love life."
"But still, it would've been pretty obvious. Goshi even liked her back...until now that is."
" that what you're here to talk about?"
"Sort of. Let me ask you something first."
"What is it?"
"What do you think about Yumiko?"
"Isn't that obvious? She's cute, funny, nice and basically everything I could ever want in a girl."
"Then what about (Y/n)?"
"She's the best sister I could ever ask for. Although we may have fights, I wouldn't give her up for anything."
"Does that go for Yumiko as well?"

I didn't know how he could like her so much but I decided to trust him for now. The fact that I was a little suspicious of her could wait a while. He probably wasn't ready to hear it yet.

"To you, is Thrive more important than your sister?"
"Awww, that's a hard question."
"Sorry, forget that I asked that. Anyway, what do you think of Tsubasa?"
"She's nice and a good A&R."
"I see."

I stood up and smiled as a 'see you later' before leaving. I couldn't hurt Yuuta...he was too innocent and cheerful.

How was I supposed to tell him that (Y/n) wasn't feeling well emotionally? He definitely seemed to love Yumiko and didn't harbour any ill feelings towards how?

I couldn't just upset him like that. After all, this world needed someone to make everyone happy under any circumstance, and Yuuta was that someone.

*sigh* I should just call it a day and try again some other time...

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