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"Wake up... wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!" Someone kept hitting me with a pillow repeatedly.

I still had my eyes closed but I grabbed the pillow and threw it away. I also pushed the person off of me.

"Ow! But wake up!" I recognized that voice as Hoseok's. So I'm definitely not waking up...

"Hoseok what are you doing?! You can't wake him up! You saw what happened with me in the car..." I guess Jimin has entered the room.

"But he has to get up. Jin made breakfast." Hobi said.

"You're literally asking for to be killed." Jimin laughed. Hoseok sighed and exited the room.

"You've Finally learned, huh?" I smirked and opened my eyes.

"Haha I guess so. After the incident in the car, I never wanna lay a finer on you while you're asleep ever again." He laughed.

After I got ready, I went downstairs to join the rest for breakfast.

"Good morning, Suga!!!" Jungkook wrapped his arms around my small body. Very tightly.

"I need to breathe..." I tapped his shoulder and he let me go.

"Oops, sorry 'bout that." He laughed and sat down next to Taehyung.

"Sit down my children. Pancakes are almost ready." Jin said and untied his baby pink apron. I think that he might actually be our mom like no joke...

I sat down beside Jimin and Jin served us our pancakes and they were absolutely delicious.

He'd be a great mom one day. Wait! I mean a great dad.

Well... actually scratch that, he'd be a great mom one day.

After breakfast, we all decided to go to the beach that was nearby.

When we arrived, Hoseok and Jungkook ran straight for the water. But halfway they remembered that they still had clothes on and ran back.

We made it comfortable on the warm sand. We all changed and those who wanted to drown went to the water.

"Suga! Come and join us!" Tae yelled. All of them were in the water while I was the only one who stayed at the shore.

I shook my head 'no' and they didn't bother me anymore.

I was slowly falling asleep on the towel when somebody had a death wish.

Some fool threw water at me.

While I was sleeping...

Rage mode on.

I bolted up and looked around for the guilty idiot. I spotted the bucket in Jimin's hand and I hope he's enjoying his last moments on earth.

He got the message and ran for it. I ran as fast as I could after him and I heard the rest of the group laughing behind us.

At this point we ran away from them.

Far away.

"Park Jimin get back here!" I yelled and we ran all the way into the woods.

He was getting tired and slowed down. This was a perfect opportunity.

I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him up against a tree. He squirmed in my tight grip but there was no use.

"I thought you had learned your lesson." I growled. It's very funny to see him be intimidated like this.

"You sound very kinky... sorry I just had to." He laughed and I rolled my eyes. I backed away and we started walking back to the beach.

"Where were you, young men?" Jin crossed his arms.

"Probably fucking in the woods." Namjoon snickered.

"Namjoon! Jungkook's here! You can't say that!" Tae hit his shoulder.

"Oops sorry Kookie." Namjoon said.

"That's alright." Jungkook smiled. If everyone in the world would be as innocent as he is then we would have world peace by now...

"But no we weren't um doing anything bad. I was just trying to teach Jimin a lesson about waking me up 'n shit." I coughed.

"Yup they totally fucked. Anywayyyys let's go back to the cottage." Namjoon said and ran away. Smart choice ya piece of garbage.

We came back from the beach and I was in mine and Jimin's room, writing lyrics.

"Hey, hyung! Whatcha writing?" Jimin asked and put his head on my shoulder from behind.

"I'm writing lyrics." I replied, not really paying attention to his existence.

"Cool. Can I read them?" He asked. I shook my head and I could tell that he was frowning.

"Oh c'mon pleaseeeee." He said and poked my shoulder repeatedly.

"Seriously Jimin you're like a child!" I turned around and pushed him away. He landed on the bed but sat back up and pouted. He crossed his arms and pretended to be very sad.

"Ugh fine!" I rolled my eyes and gave him the papers. He smiled immediately and read through the lyrics.

"Holy shit! This is actually really good..." he said and gave me my papers back.

"Thanks. Now can you leave please?" I sighed.

"Well actually I was gonna tell you to come downstairs. Jin made cookies." He laughed. I started smiling at the thought of him in his pink apron.

"Alright I'll be right down."

After Jimin left, I hid all my lyrics in a place where nobody would find them; My bag. Nobody will go near it or else I would lock them in a room with Jin's dad jokes playing on replay for 3 hours straight.

And if it's Jin himself then I'll just burn his pink, glittery diary.

I came downstairs and saw the all the guys in the living room watching TV.

"Hey! What're you watching?" I asked. Taehyung quickly changed the channel to some sports channel but i saw that they were watching Keeping up with the Kardashian's.

I laughed to myself and went into the kitchen to eat some cookies. And by "some cookies" I mean all of 'em.

After a while of having fun and chilling in the living room, it was time for bed.

I just exited the bathroom and crawled into bed. Jimin was already in his, watching something on his phone.

"Goodnight." I said and turned the light off. There wasn't a reply so I cleared my throat playfully.

"I said goodnight." I said a little louder.

"Suga hyung..." I could hear sadness in his voice.


"I-I can't... can you please sleep with me?" His voice cracked and I got out of bed immediately.

He made some space for me and I crawled under the blanket and awkwardly wrapped my arms around his body.

"Thank you..." He whispered.

"Anytime." I smiled.

And just like that, we fell asleep.


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