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Tears fell from my eyes, as I closed my bedroom door. My dad was once a gangster, a person who had killed people.

I blankly stood up and told my parents that I needed time to clear my head and came in here, breaking down the second the door was closed.

Shawn was in trouble, was nearly going to get shot that day. And this was because my dad was once an evil man. Ruthless. Careless.

How was I going to face Shawn now?

A knock disturbs my thoughts and I wipe them away.

"Yes?", I ask.

"Open the door, Xandra.", Shawn sighs. I gulp the burning sensation in my throat.

"I-I can't.", I stutter.

"Please?", he pleads.

"I don't deserve to have a friend like you. You have faced death because of me!", I cry out. My voice breaks and I hear Shawn gasp from behind the door.

"OPEN. THE. DOOR. NOW.", he orders.



I wipe my tears and open the door. The moment the door is opened, Shawn engulfs me into a hug, patting on my head.

"Xandra, it isn't your fault.", he tries to comfort me. I push him lightly and go and sit on my bed, as more tears threaten to come.

He closes the door and comes near me, sitting on his knees, taking my hand in his.

"You could've died.", I whisper.

"No. I wasn't going to die. And even if I was, it would be worth it.", he puts a hand on my cheek.

I look away.

"Xandra. You are the only girl for whom I could give my life a million times, with a smile."

I look at him, my eyes widening. Did he just accept that he has feelings for me?

"Shawn, I don't deserve you."

"I like you, Xandra."

My heart stops a beat as a volcano of butterflies erupt in my stomach. Was this even real.

"I like you, too Shawn. But, you don't deserve me. You deserve someone bett-"

Before I'm able to complete my sentence, his lips capture mine, melting me. Everything turns into slow motion. His hands travel from my cheek towards my hair and he gets up slowly. My hands go up and hold his neck.

Seven seconds. Seven seconds of pure bliss.
It could've been a more longer kissing session, if my mom wouldn't have entered on us.

"Oops. I think I'm interrupting something important. I'll come some time later.", she flushes and grins, closing the door.

I look at Shawn to find him holding a horrified expression.

"I'm sorry if that was sudden. I couldn't resist. It's just you're so beautiful and you were sad and-", he starts blabbering and I give him a peck on his lips, shutting him up.

"Shut up, okay?", I roll my eyes.

"If that's how you're going to make me shut up, I have a lot of advantages in blabbering.", he grins. I chuckle and nod my head.

I was forever going to remember this day. Shawn likes me. SHAWN LIKES ME!! And he accepted it.

Could this get anymore better.



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