Uh No

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Kate's POV

I rolled over feeling to tired to get up. I felt someone touch me and I moaned in annoyance.

"Go away," I said drawing it out as I covered my head.


Hearing my name took me by surprise. I had expected Adams deep voice but got a small cute one.

Opening my eyes I saw Abby standing there.

"Can I lay with you Kate," she asked slowly clutching Alfred tighter.

Patting the bed I moved back letting her curl up next to me.

She nuzzled her head in my neck then with a sniffle smooshed farther into me.

I stroked her hair as she went into a fit of coughs.

We laid in silence other than her few sniffles and coughs.

"Why Kate," she asked.

"Why what Abby?"

"Why didn't you come visit me when I first got sick?"

Abby looked up through her lashes at me.

I didn't have an answer for her and I didn't want to tell her I'd forgot about her.

"I- well ," I began.

She put her small hand on my arm the with a wheeze said,"You don't have to lie I know you forgot about me."

She looked do sad, sick, and innocent I felt terrible.

Closing her eyes she fell asleep.

As I laid there I thought about the whole time she'd been in her room by herself sick like this.

Why was she sick?

Vampires don't get sick.

That was bothering me. They don't get sick so why was she.

"Kate," I heard Adam whisper.

Slowly I rolled over trying hard not to disturbing  Abby.

"Hmmm," I murmured.

"Come to the kitchen for lunch. You slept through breakfast."

I slid off the bed and went to change.

Stepping into a pair of jeans and shrugging on a gray shirt, I grabbed a long sweater.

I walked down the hall to the living room where there was just one sandwich and wait was that celery.

Looking at Adam I had one eyebrow up. I then gestured to the celery.

He disgust me.

"Its good for you," he said as I tossed it off my plate.

Walking to the living room I sat criss cross apple sauce on the  couch and began to eat my sandwich.

Adam sat next to me and put the celery on my plate.

"Damien go check on your sister I think she's still asleep," I said annoyed with Adam.

I flicked the two pieces onto his lap but again he placed them back on the plate.

"I don't want them Adam," I shouted very frustrated.

Damien had been sitting there but suddenly stood actually going to check on Abby obviously not wanting to here us fight or the after math.

AKA when we went bipolar and had a hot make out session.

"Just eat it please," he sighed.

Shaking my head no I finished and tossed the celery at Adam.

He snatched it up his fist in a tight ball. Slamming it on the plate her growled,"Just eat it!"

I stared wide eyed at him and he sat down.

"Sorry sorry just try it please for me."

I lifted the celery up and took a bite and munched.

It was nasty as crap. I hated celery. Loathed it.

I set the rest of it down swallowing it with a disguised face.

"See it wasn't that bad," Adam said

"It was that bad," I said stubbornly.

"Well you at least ate a bit so thank you," Adam smiled then continued,"I was wondering um."

He stopped looking embarrassed.

Opening his mouth to say something he was cut off by Damien.

"Abby wants you," he said.

Adam stood.

"Not you. Kate," Damien said stiffly.

Adam looked upset then I stood walking to the room.

Abby was sitting on the bed . When she saw me she tried to stand but was to weak.

"Go back to sleep sweety you need it," I said to her as I sat in the edge of the bed.

She laid down and I kissed her forehead. Falling asleep quickly I stood up and left.

Coming back into the living room I said,"Why is she sick?"

"I'm not sure. It looks like what people get when they need blood but she's to young."

Damien looked up as Adam spoke.

"We can try giving her blood to see if she gets better can't hurt," Damien suggested.

"Is that a good idea?" I asked.

Damien and Adam looked at each other and the Adam said,"We can try."

Damien grabbed a bottle of blood and I followed him into her room.

Sitting on the bed I woke her up and sat he on my lap.

"Drink this Abby," I handed her the bottle.

She shook her head pointing at me and pushing it into my hand.

"Not until you try some first," she whispered.

I looked at Adam who looked away pretending to be very interested in a picture.

I moved Abby next to me taking a sip. I swallowed and almost puked.

She took it and did the same.

I could feel I was about to puke again I ran out into the hall bathroom and puked up the blood and my sandwich.

Adam came in and rubbed my back.

"Thank you," he murmured,"She drank the whole bottle and she's fine now."

I only nodded and stood shakily.

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