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“Since he is still very weak we are only going to allow Blaine hold him.” The nurse explained as we stood in the room that my baby had been occupying for the last month. “And at birth he did not get that skin to skin connection with his mother like babies should, and we think that it is important that mother and baby do that.” He sent me a soft smile and I nodded in agreement. I was not about to argue about anything if I did they might not let me see him, for the first time, I have waited for this moment for a month and it was finally happening. I was going to hold my baby.

I sat down in the blue rocking chair they had placed in the room. I opened my arms as she gently laid the sleeping baby into my arms and as my eyes scanned his face I could already feel the tears falling from my eyes.

“He is so beautiful.” My mom softly choked out as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“He looks just like me mommy!” Jaycee spoke a wide smile on her lips as she stood up on her tipy toes to look down at the baby.

“He does doesn’t he?” I smiled as stared down at the little bundle of joy. He was still really tiny and looked really fragile and a part of me was scared that at any moment I would break him because he was so tiny.

I ran my finger across his head gently. He had more hair than Jaycee did when she was born. His hair was thick and very brown, he looked so beautiful.

“He has your big nose.”

“Leonard!” Bailey laughed hitting him in the arm.

He laughed, “I’m just kidding, he’s beautiful Blaine.”

I smiled at him rolling my eyes. I don’t care what anyone said about my baby, he was beautiful in my eyes. Even with the tiny oxygen tubes still placed in his nose and the small scar on his chest where they did surgery on him. He was so beautiful. He was a miracle. My miracle.

“What’re you going to name him?” Bailey asked.

“Yeah, you haven’t even said anything about that yet.” My mom chimed in.

I stared down at him; I already had his name picked out even before he was born. I had one boy name and one girl name and staring down at him I know the name I picked fit him, it was right for him.


“Julian? Hm, sounds exotic, I like it!” Leonard nodded in approval.

“Julian Drew Bieber.”


“He looks like he is doing better doc.” I smiled over at the doctor as we stood in the hall.

He nodded, “Yes, he is doing excellent actually and he will be okay if he keeps responding to the treatment.”

“When will he be able to come home?” I chewed on my bottom lip a little scared at what the answer might be.

“That’s tricky to say, but like I said, if he keeps responding well then it will not be long. Another month maybe even less.” He smiled. “That little guy is strong, and so are you.”

“Thanks doc, for everything.” I smiled; feeling a little more excited than I have in a while, but the thought of being able to take my baby home soon is an amazing feeling.

“No problem.” He smiled and walked back down the hall.

I smiled as I looked through the window at Julian. He was still sleeping but he looked so peaceful, even with all the wires connected to him.

“Blaine!” I heard my name being called from down the hall and when I turned I saw Pattie, Justin’s grandparents, Jeremy and his wife.

“Hey guys!” I smiled as I received a hug from all of them.

“Oh my god, is that him?” Pattie asked her hand on her chest as if she was having a heart attack.

“Yep, that’s him. Julian.”

“Keeping the J’s going I see,” Jeremy sent me a playful smirk, causing me to laugh and nod.

“He’s beautiful.” Justin’s grandmother spoke up. “He looks just like Justin.”

And there is was. The thing I did not want anyone to say about him.

Because I even saw it. He looked exactly like Justin.

And I hated it.

I hated Justin.

a/n: and that’s it folks! I don’t know when I will be posted book #3 so please do not ask me a million times, when it is posted I will let you all know. But as of right now I have no clue. The ending sucked and I am sorry, but it was either publish it now or make you guys wait longer for the ending, so like it or not idc. But for everyone who has supported this book, thank you, and I love every one of you!!


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