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The next morning while Jaycee was asleep in the hospital bed, where she slept with me last night and Bailey in the chair next to us; I walked down to the baby ward and looked at all the healthy new born babies, the ones that weren't hanging on for life because of a stupid accident. Not like my baby and it hurt to see all these babies.

I turned my head as I heard someone speak my name; it was Justin speaking to a nurse and if I thought I could I would run the other way but by the time that thought popped into my head he saw me.

Thanking the nurse he pushed past her and walked to me, I turned my eyes back to the sleeping infants.

"Blaine I-"

"Don't Justin, just don't. I don't want to hear anything you have to say."

"I was j-"

"No." I shot him a scowl. "Just shut up, I am not going to listen to all your sorry's and why you did this and why you did that because frankly I don't give a shit."

He stayed silent, a look of remorse on his face.

"You have ruined this family. You have ruined the way I look at you not only as a man but as a person. Your daughter thinks this is her fault, she thinks you don't love her, us, and I don't think you do either, not anymore."

"Blaine, I love you more than anything in this world."

"No you don't. You do not do this to people you love Justin! You do not run out and do drugs and cheat on your wife and hurt your family. This is not love! Not anymore." I began to tear up as I spoke, my voice getting louder. "You have left our child with a concision, and bruises all over her. Our little girl, the one who loves you more than anything in this world. You have done that to her Justin!"

"I'm so sorry Blaine pl-"

"No you're not! Because this should not have happened in the first place! I don't want to hear your sorry bullshit Justin, I no longer believe it or you."

"That's not fair.."

"Not fair? Do you know what you have put me through? Put your daughter through?" I pushed his chest making him stumble back, "Fuck you Justin! Fuck you for thinking I'm the one not being fair! How is this fair to us?" My tears began to fall. I pushed past him but stopped when I felt him grab my arm.

"Don't touch me! I don't want you touching me, ever again." I wiped my eyes, and without a second thought about it I slipped my ring off my finger and threw it at his chest. "I'm done Justin, and I will not allow you to see your daughter until you clean yourself up. And we are not the only people you have hurt, you've hurt your unborn baby, well born now."

"You had the baby?" Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Yeah. A boy, but he may not make it, and it's your fault. All of this."

“Can I see him?” He question,  a few stray tears running down his cheek.

“No. I can’t even see him, he is too fragile, too weak, he should not even be here yet Justin. We should be planning for him, waiting, together like a family. But you ruined everything, you may have ruined his chance of having a normal life. I hope it was all worth it to you. Loosing your family, loosing me, because that’s what you’ve done. You have lost us and the chances of you ever getting us back are slim.” I turned on my heal, swiftly walking down the hall back to my room. Wiping my tears from my eyes as I did so, I did not need Jaycee or Bailey questioning me why I was crying. I did not want either of them to know that Justin was here. They did not need him in their lives anymore.


“Mrs. Bieber, you have a visitor.” A petite nurse with brown hair spoke as she popped her head into the door of my room.

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