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"We are going to head out, dear." My mother shy smiled, rubbing a hand across my back.

I nodded, letting a smile play across my lips as if I was happy but in reality I couldn't be far from that.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like Malcolm and I to stay the night or something."

I shook my head staring down at the dish I was currently washing, "No mom, it's fine."

She sighed, "Alright honey." She kissed my temple, "If you need anything just call please." She gave me one last smile then headed out of the kitchen.

Everyone had left, except Bailey and Jaycee of course. I suggested everyone stay here for the night but they insisted on staying at moms or in a hotel. They did not want to stress me out anymore than I was feeling.

Justin had never showed up, didn't call either. Not even his mother got a reply from him. Though everyone assured me it was either because of traffic or because he was busy, but I did not buy it.

If it was really that he would of called. I mean any decent human being would call, right?

I chewed on my bottom lip as my mind went crazy as to where or what happened with him. I was so into thought I didn't hear someone knock on the door bell, but the second time it made me jump from my thoughts.

I took my hands from the soapy water and whipped them onto my pants, as I walked to the front door.

I opened it up to see a bundled up Sam standing in my door way, a plate held in hand.

"Hey, sorry to come over to late, I just had so much log cake left over from dinner and thought 'hey maybe Blaine would like some'" He laughed awkwardly.

I smiled, "I already have a million left overs I don't know what I'm going to do with."

He frowned slightly nodding, "That's understandable but, this log cake is special." He smirked.

I laughed, crossing my arms across my chest intrigued, "Oh yeah? And why is this?"

"It's an old family recipe, my mother used to make it for us kids when we were young and I think I finally figured out how she made it so delicious."

I smiled, "Alright, but if it tastes like garbage I'm going to tell you." I ushered him inside the house.

He laughed, "I'm counting on you to."


a/n: flirting between sam and blaine oooohhh! i know you guys don't like sam but blaine is feeling lonely and needs a friend, plus it's pretty much justin's fault right??

predictions for next chapter anyone?? oh and I won't be updating unless I get 10 - 20 comments because I love when you guys comment and rant and share with me your thoughts and that's the only way I can get you guys to do it, haha.

oh and I'm thinking of making a book of extra material, like deleted scenes, and one shots about/of Blaine and Justin. who thinks I should? and by deleted scenes I mean like parts of the story I didn't put in you guys would like to see (for example; Jaycee's birth or first birthday etc.) and if I also do one shots you guys can request them (for example; 'could you write a one shot/imagine where Blaine and Justin get in a fight' etc). so please let me know if you guy would like to see/read something like that.

ok I'm shutting up now. love you guys!


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