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Everything Sam had said or suggested has been running through my head the last couple of days. But most of all the idea of Justin possibly doing other drugs was what was really bothering me.

I could not picture Justin doing any drugs, not even weed. But he was doing that..

I just can't shake the feeling though, that what if Sam is right. What if my mind is coming up with every excuse in the book to make me ignore the reality of what could be really going on here.

I ran my fingers through my hair sighing as I leaned back onto the couch. There was only two ways I was going to know for sure if any of these theories could be true; one, ask Justin in which he would probably lie about it or two, go snooping through his stuff.

And with my mind going crazy as is, I needed to one of those things and the snooping one seemed like the reliable one right now.

I stood from the couch and walked down the hall to our bedroom and began shuffling through the drawers which contained his items.

Within minutes of scrambling through his drawers I find a bag of marijuana. It was not hard to tell from the skunk like aroma coming from the bag, what it was.

I felt my blood begin to churn and not disappointment but anger come over me.

I told him a thousand times how I felt about weed, how it made him look, how it made or family look, and how we could get our child taken away from it, and he swore he would stop; but I find this bag of weed in his drawer.

I feel so stupid for not knowing it was there, and letting him lie right to my face and actually believing him. He must laugh at me with his friends about stupid and blind I am.

I toss the bag on top of the dresser not wanting to get the nasty smell all over my hands. I sit down on the edge of the bed trying to calm down the anger that's boiling in side of me, but I am more angry at myself than Justin. Angry for not knowing and anger for believing his lie.

I rest my elbows on my knees placing my face into my hands, but remove them as I see a plastic bag that resembles the one containing the weed sticking out from a pair of pants lying on the floor.

I bend down and pick up the faded blue jeans and stick my hand in the pocket pulling out the plastic bag, but instead of weed I was presented with what from the unknown eye would look like a bag of sugar or flower.

But I was not that dumb. I knew what it was before even thinking about it, but maybe I was wrong. I mean it's not like I have ever seen the substance before, or ever been around it.

I stuffed the bag into my pocket and stood up. I quickly walked back down the hall and into the livingroom, grabbing my coat and shutting the door. I briskly walked over to Sam's house and knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.

Before he could even open the door and say hello I had the baggy out of my pocket and held it in front of his face.

"What is this? Is it what I think it is?" I questioned, he looked taken back by my forwardness but took the bag from my hands, examining it.

He sighed, "Is this Justin's?"

I hesitated but nodded, "I found it in his pants pocket."

He nodded and stared down at the bag.


"It's what you think it is."

"How do you know for sure?"

"In college one of my courses was a drug class and it's not that hard to tell what it is," He handed the bag back to me, "You should turn him in,"

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