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"Why are you buying her clothes for her presents?"

"Because she has enough toys, she needs new clothes for school."

"Well she does have her own play room."


I picked up a dress on the rack and looked at the size and placed it in the cart.

"What else are you getting her?"

"She's been asking for a pair of cowgirl boots."

"Why?" Bailey asked laughing.

"I have no clue."

"Well at least get her a cute pair. What is Justin getting her?"

"I don't know."

"Want to know what I'm getting her?"

"Do I dare know?"

"Hey it's a good gift!"

"Okay tell me."

"You know that huge live sized doll house we saw at that farmers market a month ago?"


"Well I saved up my chore money and mom and dad helped a bit but we bought it like a week ago."

"I'm surprised that thing was still there."

"I know it's so cute it makes me wanna play in it."

"She's going to love that, and it can go outside, yay!" I laughed and began to push the cart. "Do you know what mom and dad are getting her?"

"No clue, they wouldn't tell me because they know I'd tell you."

"Yeah you do have a big mouth."

She rolled her eyes at me but her eyes grew wide when she spotted something.

"Blaine look at this! It's so cute!" She said grabbing a plaid baby shirt.

"Yes very cute."

"Can we buy it?"

"Bailey I don't even know if I'm pregnant or not!"

"So what, you can save it for when you are." I rolled my eyes shaking my head, turning and pushing the cart again.

"You know what, I'll buy it!"

"You are being ridiculous right now."

"No I'm just prepared."

"Well don't get your hopes up."

"Too late."

I sighed.


"Why are we in this store?"

"It's hot-topic,"

"My bad."

"And it's cool."

"Yeah, I went through the hot topic phase too."

"I only came in here to buy new earrings anyway."

"Well hurry up, this store makes me feel old."

She laughed and walked over to a case full of gauges. I don't know why she was putting those things in her ear but when I was a teenager I thought they would be cool. I'm surprised my parents were even letting her do that, but one thing I love about my sister is that she is a very unique person. She wears whatever she wants, has her own creative style, it makes me jealous sometimes.

wrecking ball » bieberOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora