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"Girls people are starting to arrive!" I yelled from the kitchen. It was Jaycee's birthday today and she was in her room with her little friends doing god knows what.

"Honey where do you want this?"

"Um, outside on the picnic table." I told my mom as she held a bowl of pasta.

"Will the bugs get it?"

"Leave the top on mom." I said rolling my eyes a bit. Guests were starting to arrive and thank god for Bailey because she was ushering them in to the back yard.

"When is Justin going to be here?"

"I don't know, he's not answering his phone." I sighed and walked out of the kitchen, down the hall to Jaycees room.

"Hey girls, you need to come out here and go out back, theres lots of stuff to play with out there." They all dropped the toy in hand and ran past me.

"Are you having a good party so far baby girl?" I asked as I picked her up giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Yes but when can I open my presents?"

I laughed softly, "Soon."

"Where's the birthday girl?" A woman's voice yelled from in the living room.

"Grandma!!" She yelled wiggling out of my arms and running down the hall. When I finally caught up she was in Pattys arms telling her how much she missed her and receiving lots of kisses.

"Why don't you go put your presents on the table, ok?" Jayjay took the presents and ran outside.


"Hey Patty." I smiled and walked over to her hugging her.

"Where's my son?"

"I couldn't tell you. He was supposed to be here early this morning but he's not answering his phone or anything."

"He probably got held up in something dear. How are you?"

"I'm good. Justin and I wanted to tell you together but since I don't know when he will be here, um, I'm pregnant." Her smile grew wider and I was pulled in to another hug.

"Congrats honey! Maybe we will get a little boy."

"Everyone wants me to have one." We both began to laugh before turning our attention to the front door as Jermey, Jazzy, and Jax walked through the door.

Jazzy ran over to me giving me a tight hug.

"Hey sweetie.You've gotten so big oh my god!" I hugged her back and smiled over at Jeremy waving in his direction.

"Where's Justin?"

"No one knows." Pattie said shrugging as she placed her phone to her ear, I guessed she was trying Justin.

My stomach began to feel sick as I thought about Justin not being able to make it.

"Excuse me." I said with a small smile and turned walking back to my bedroom and in to the bathroom. I bent over the toilet not knowing if I was going to vomit or not.

I don't know if it was the baby or me afraid Justin wouldn't show up but either way I felt like I was about to puke up a lung.


4 hours later Jaycee is sitting in the back yard messing around with her new toys with Bailey, Jazzy, and Jax by her side. All of the guests have left except Jeremy, Jeremy's wife, Pattie, my Parents, and Justin's grandparents. It was an overall good birthday party, all the kids had fun, the adults seemed to have fun too. And jayjay got a million new toys, clothes and stuff for the bath tub it was ridiculous.

The only disappointment about it was Justin never showed up.

I walked into the house carrying in a couple bowls and setting them down on the counter. I sighed closing my eyes leaning my head down.

"Are you okay dear?" I jumped a little as I felt a hand on my back. I opened my eyes to see my mom by my side.

I half smiled, "Yeah I'm fine."

"I'm sure there's a good reason why he couldn't be here."

I shrugged, "What's a good enough reason not to come to your daughters birthday?" I looked away feeling my eyes begin to water, "I mean he didn't even call." I wiped my eyes not wanting any tears to fall.

"Don't get all upset."

"It was his daughters birthday mom."

"He's a busy guy Blaine you need to remember this."

"Too busy for his family?" I pushed past my mom and walked out of the kitchen to my bedroom shutting the door behind me. I needed to calm myself down, I didn't need to be crying, I'm pregnant it's not good. I sighed and sat down on the bed, wiping my eyes. I know Justin was really busy but the least he could of done was answer his phone, call me, tell me what's going on but nothing.

I was about to walk to the bathroom but the door opened and standing in the door way was Justin but he wasn't alone. Behind him was two other guys.

"Hey babe, I'm so sorry." He said as he walked over to me wrapping his arms around me. I didn't hug him back I just stood there staring at the other guys who were smirking.

"Are you mad at me?"

"What do you think?" I asked as I gave him a 'seriously?' Look.

"We got caught up babe, it's really not my fault."

"Caught up with what?"

"Just stuff, it doesn't even matter, I'm here now."

"You missed everything. Cake, presents."

He sighed, "I know."

"Who are they?"

"Oh! That's Twist and Brody." He smiled at the guys as he pointed to them.

"Are they part of this marriage?"


"Are they listening because they are part of this marriage or are they just nosey?"

"Uh," he turned back around, "Guys go hangout in the living room." They nodded and turned and left.

"You shouldn't be saying sorry to me. You should be saying sorry to your daughter."

"She will forgive me in a heart beat but I'm more worried about you babe. I really didn't mean it, I swear." Justin flashed me his forgiving smile and that's all it took. I believed him and forgave him, staying mad at him took all the effort I had and I was too tired to fight and stay mad. Plus he was just too damn cute to be mad at.

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