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We spent all afternoon at the mall shopping for this and that, mostly for Jaycee and her school supplies and clothes. Pattie helped her pick out a few outfits, same as my mother but she mostly wanted what Bailey picked out. She even convinced me to buy her the tiniest little training bras, they were cute but all I could think of was how my little girl was growing up and I didn't like it. She was only 5 and wanted me to buy her little bras, she needed to slow down.

She got a Justin Bieber shirt to show off her daddy to all her friends, as she says. I'm sure her dad will love the fact his daughter is reping him. We bought her new boots, little dress shoes, sneakers, and sandals. She picked out the cutest purple back pack, and among the 10 other things she got in purple it's safe to say she shared her dad's favorite color.

Everyone went their own ways after we were done buying for Jaycee. But Pattie stuck with me and forced me into baby gap and we bought one of the many outfits of the newest Bieber. I must admit my favorite part of being pregnant is buying all the baby stuff and getting ready. It was all getting me really excited for this baby to hurry up and get here!

After everyone was done shopping for what they wanted and needed, we all drove off to the Mexican restaurant a few miles away from the mall. We all pigged out on Mexican food and frozen desserts and cheese cakes and by the time we were done I think we all gained about 50 pounds. But it was good to just have a girls day, eating tons of food, talking and just bonding. Besides Justin, Jaycee, Bailey, and my parents I didn't have a lot of people to hangout with when I was alone or Justin was gone. I mean I do have friends but they are all busy with lives of their own, and my celebrity friends who I have met through Justin had even busier lives. But when they came to town believe me, they visited and we had a blast.

And one of my closets friends was coming to stay with us for a few weeks, Leonard. He had moved to Paris for two years to live out his fashion designing career and it had grew greatly. He really got a good kick start and was working his way up to the top and I was so proud of him. But he was coming home to see his parents and family for a couple months and I practically begged him to stay at my house. Mostly because I missed him and Justin wouldn't be around so I needed some type of man in the house to protect me and my daughter. Even though if there was a burglar I don't think Leonard would do much fighting, probably more screaming and running. But still I couldn't wait to see him.


When we got home everyone carried the bags in the house and Bailey and Jaycee took care of the clothes and I put up her supplies until she needed them. I didn't want her getting into them and coloring everything with her new markers.

It was 6:00 and we were all exhausted. The boys weren't back yet but I got really sad when I saw Scooter walk through the door, because that meant when Justin got home he had to leave. But before he could get home, his grandma, mom, step mom, jazzy, and my mom all left for my parents house, to have dinner and relax. Mostly because Pattie and them were all leaving tomorrow morning to go back to their homes. It was depressing, everyone was leaving us.

Scooter, Bailey, Jaycee and I, were playing uno at the kitchen table when I there was a knock at the door. I stood from the table and walked out to the front door and opened it and was greeted by the guy who had just moved in next door. He was holding a what looked like a plate of cookies.

"Uh hi, I'm, uh, your new neighbor." He said with a smile on his face.

I nodded and smiled, "I know, I recognize you."

"Right," he said laughing softly. "Well my mother saw our little conversation in the yard and insisted I bring you over something to be neighborly." He handed me the plate of cookies, "They are chocolate chip." He shrugged, "She made them so they should taste good, atleast better than they would if I made them."

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