Epilogue 1 - P.S.

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Ivy's POV

10 years later...

Thursday, November 30, 2028

"Asher! Wake up!" I scream as I awaken to a sharp cramp in my stomach. "Asher, I swear on all that I hold dear that if you don't get up right now I will destroy all of your Legends of Dragoon merchandise! We need to get to the pack doctor, now!"

Asher jumps up so fast that he falls onto the floor in a heap with the covers tangled all around him. "I'm up. I'm up." He says as he jumps back to his feet. "No need for vicious threats. What's wrong?" He asks while trying to shake the drowsiness off.

"What do you think is wrong? You put this thing in me and now it's time to get it out!" I screech at him as another contraction hits.

"The baby is coming? Oh, my Goddess. Ok, we can do this." He starts to ramble as he runs over and grabs clothes, dressing quickly. "Alright, just relax. Do your breathing... in and out... maybe some huffs or puffs? Both? I don't know how it works, but give it a try. Alright, I've got the bag." He says and runs out of our room. I roll my eyes as I hear him skid to a stop down the hall before running back. "Sorry, might help if you actually come, too right?"

Asher looks so frazzled that I can't even be mad. "Yep, now help my big butt out of this bed."

He comes over and picks me up before cradling me to his chest. "Aw, baby. Don't talk about your butt that way. It isn't big, and your stomach is only big because it is swollen with love." His wink sends me into a fit of giggles.

"You're still a charmer, my mate." I tell him as he begins carrying me down the hall.

Luckily the pack clinic is on this floor, because even as strong as Asher has become over the years, walking down three flights of stairs with my love swollen self would be dangerous. He pauses by the last door before the clinic and I pound on the door.

"Doc Winters, it's time. Come on." Asher calls through the door before continuing past the door into the little hospital room. He walks over to the bed and carefully lays me down before brushing my sweaty hair off of my face. "How are you feeling baby?"

"Ok for the moment, but ask me again when another contraction comes. It hurts more than I thought it would." I confess.

Asher takes my hand and brings it to his lips. "Just squeeze my hand, maybe that will help."

I'm sure he regrets saying that when seconds later I'm squeezing so hard that I can hear his bones creaking. "AH!" I yell out. "That smarts!"

Dr. Winter's rushes in and starts preparing the area as his mate follows in behind him. "You doing alright, Ivy?" He asks soothingly.

"No. I feel like an alien is trying to rip its way out of my stomach." I answer honestly.

"How far apart are your contractions?" Dr. Winters asks as he gets my legs set up on the stirrups before doing things with his hand that I would rather not think about.

"A little under 5 minutes." I tell him.

"Well, you are fully dilated, so when the next contraction comes I want you to push." He says. Ten minutes later, I am holding my precious daughter in my arms. "Congratulations! Have you decided on a name?"

"Alyssa Rayan Reed." Asher answers while looking down on us with a tear filled smile.

I can't imagine being happier than I am in this moment, holding this beautiful baby with her father's brown hair and my blue eyes. This... this is true joy.

You Smell Like... Mine (Book 1 in the 'You Smell' series)Where stories live. Discover now