Chapter 43 - Don't Make This Weird

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Asher's POV

Chika chika yeah, I won! I knew I would be able to be the champion one day! I just had to wait until I was a wolf, I guess. When we make it back to the cabin, Ivy and I shift back and grab some cleaning supplies from the bathroom before scrubbing the floor clean. There wasn't as much as it seemed like, making me thankful that Leif strangled the poor animal instead of ripping its throat out or something equally gruesome. It was so endearing to me when he thanked it for giving its life to provide us with sustenance. He's so pure and sweet that you can't help but to love him.

When we finish cleaning, Ivy and I take a quick shower before getting dressed. Then we grab our bags and begin our journey back toward the pack house. I have to be blooded into the pack today.  I'm definitely not looking forward to it, so maybe I can let Leif handle that bit. I may have enjoyed the taste of Ivy's blood, but I really don't want to taste anyone else's.

'Hey, Asher?' Leif asks me when the pack house comes in to view.

I can feel him pacing around, which, I have to admit, is pretty weird. 'Yeah? What's up buddy?'

'Um... Do you think the Alpha will like me? I've never had an alpha before. We didn't need one because in the Moon Realm we have the Moon Goddess.' His concern is as cute as he is.

'Of course, he will like you. Everyone will, you are awesome. And anyway, Keegan is a great guy so you shouldn't be so worried.' I reassure him. I groan when I see Brandon and Brock waiting for us. 'Don't listen to these guys though, they are crazy and will only be a bad influence on you.'

"Hey there newlyweds! How was your wedding night?" Brock asks once we reach them and then winces when Ivy smacks the back of his head. "Ow! What was that for? We told you about our mating night."

"Yes, even when we begged you not to." I respond dryly.

"I bet that's the opposite of what Ivy was doing last night, wasn't it?" Brandon throws out with a sleazy wink.

I'm not even surprised when Ivy launches herself at him. His attempts to defend himself are just funny. Even with all of his experience wrestling and his months of training with the wolves, he has no hope of getting the upper hand.

"Brock! Help me!" Brandon yells when Ivy begins rubbing his face into the ground.

"Sorry, babe. I love you but I don't want her coming after me, too." Brock says. When Ivy glares he quickly adds, "And you shouldn't talk about a lady like that?" Brock breathes a sigh of relief when Ivy nods at him and with a final shove of Brandon's head, she climbs off of him and walks back over to me.

'Our mate is strong!' Leif chirps, clearly proud of this fact.

'Very.' I agree honestly.

When Keegan walks out of the house, he smiles as he walks toward us. "Hey Asher, ready to officially become a member of this pack, brother?"

Brother? How can two simple syllables cause such a rush of emotions to run through me? Want, need, acceptance... family. I have always wanted a bigger family, and now thanks to my beautiful mate I will have one. Suddenly the idea of having to swallow a little blood doesn't bother me, not when I will be receiving such an amazing gift in return. Ivy squeezes my hand in support and I realize that she must have felt my reaction. I give her a small smile and pull her hand to my lips for a kiss before turning back to Keegan.

"Yes, I'm ready. Are we going to do it here?" I ask.

"Yeah, no time like the present." He says as he pulls out the same blade that he used last night. "Don't worry, we don't have to bite each other. I'll just knick each of our hands then we need to swallow a few drops of the other's blood. As long as you don't try making meaningful eye contact it won't have to get weird." Keegan winks.

I roll my eyes at his cheekiness but can't hold back my chuckle. "Alright, let's do this." I say as I reach my hand out. I try not to flinch when the cold steel penetrates my skin, but I can tell by the amused smirk that Keegan tries to hide that I failed. He releases my hand and cuts a small line in his own palm before offering it to me with a quirk of his brow. I take his as he grabs mine. I consider closing my eyes but decide that would be even more awkward, so I just look down at his forearm as I bring his bleeding hand to my lips while he does the same.

The snap in my head is almost instant. I don't even know how to properly describe it. It almost feels like... home, or like a comforting embrace. So this is what it feels like to be a part of a pack. It's like knowing deep down to your soul that you will never be alone again. I blink back the tears that I feel burning my eyes and pull Keegan into a hug. "Thank you. Thank you, my brother."

Keegan gives me a tight squeeze before pulling back and clapping a hand on my shoulder. "Now that you are officially one of us, we need to get started on your training. You will begin with the rest of us tomorrow." His tone is suddenly serious. "I think there is a battle brewing, and we all need to be ready. You guys have a good night. See you bright and early." He says with a wave before turning on his heel and heading back toward the house.

I feel so full right now that I can barely take it. I think on what he said, and know that I will do whatever I can to protect my new family. I won't let anything happen to them. I turn to Ivy and pull her into my arms before placing a tender kiss on her forehead. I am now who and where I am supposed to be. With my love in my arms and my pack at my back, I am finally home.

A/N: Thanks for reading! This is the last chapter before the epilogue, so Ivy and Asher's story is almost complete! Please Vote and Comment!

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