Chapter 39 - Beneath This Moon

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Asher's POV

I am married. Ivy is my wife! I can't focus on much beyond that as we wave at our friends and family before driving away. I was surprised when we saw the car, and the only thing done to it was a simple 'Just Married' painted on the back glass. I was sure that Brandon and Brock would take advantage of the tradition and do something embarrassing.

"Are you ready for tonight, baby?" Ivy asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, more than you know." I tell her earnestly as I give her hand a squeeze.

This is going to be wonderful. I've only ever seen one mating ceremony, and I thought it was beautiful. I really hope I don't forget my vows, though. We decided to just go with traditional vows for our wedding ceremony because we had to write our own for tonight. Now that I think about it, my bigger worry should be whether my mouth decides to cooperate with me while I'm saying my vows. I mean, I am notorious for fumbling my words and accidentally throwing out super embarrassing things instead of what I am actually trying to say. What if I accidentally say the wrong thing and the Moon Goddess decides that I am unworthy to have a mate as amazing as my Ivy?

"Asher? Are you ok? Your face just got really pale."

"What if I ruin everything tonight and the Moon Goddess refuses to grant us her blessing?" I ask, feeling myself begin to really panic. Ivy laughs. I'm on the verge of a meltdown and Ivy is laughing at me. I scowl at her. "What? It could totally happen! You know how I am. I suck at serious and romantic things. This is both. What if.."

She cuts off my rant. "Baby, calm down. The Moon Goddess chose you for me. She wouldn't have made that decision if she didn't already deem you worthy."

"Then why do we have to ask for her blessing? I mean, not that I'm complaining, it's just that if she already basically blessed us, then what is the point?" I ask her, confused.

"It is to protect the sanctity of the mating rites. I've never seen it myself, but I'm told that sometimes a wolf will attempt to claim a mate that wasn't meant for them and force the mating. In a case like that, the Moon Goddess will deny her blessing and the bond will not form. So, you see, there is nothing to worry about because we are true mates. Your vows are for me, and I promise you, I will cherish every word, even if they don't come out just right." She tells me with a sweet smile.

I sigh in relief, not realizing until just now how much stress that thought had been causing me. "Thank you, love. I feel much better now." I say, returning her smile before turning back to the road.

It takes us about 45 minutes to reach the pack lands, and when we park I pull the trunk latch before getting out and walking to the rear of my car. When I open it I can't hold back my shocked laughter as condoms practically explode out at me. There is a note taped to the inside of the trunk lid so I grab it.

'Hey there love birds. Enjoy your wedding night! ~~Brandon and Brock'

Still laughing, I shake my head before digging through to find my bag. Ivy joins in my laughter when she reaches me and helps me put all of the hundreds of contraceptives back in the trunk before closing it and leading me by the hand toward the house. Once we get inside, Ivy pulls me up to her room. I'm surprised when I see that it is almost empty.

"Hey, what happened to all of your things?" I ask her.

"Oh," She starts as she looks around, "We moved them to a suite on the mated couple's level yesterday. I hope you don't mind, but Brandon and Brock offered to bring all of your boxes here when they come. I guess I should have asked, though. Sorry. I'm also sorry that we will have such a long drive to school next semester."

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