Chapter 5- Protecting What's Mine

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Ivy's POV

"See you tomorrow, mate." I say quietly as he walks away.

I can't believe it! I met my mate! My adorable nerdy mate. He is perfect. And he loves my favorite game. Emersyn is jumping around happily in my mind. I can't wait to see him again.

' Ah! Emmy! I'm so happy, isn't he wonderful?'

' He is perfect for us. But did you notice that he is human?' She asks me.

'Who cares? Grandma was human, too. After mating with Grandpa, she became a wolf. So will my sweet Asher. I hope. Do you think he will freak out when he finds out about us? What if he rejects us?' I whimper.

' That boy is already basically in love with you, he won't leave. We just have to wait until the right time to tell him. Don't worry.' She reassures me.

'He's a gamer! He games! He games my game! This is the best day ever! I have to call Dad.' I say before suddenly remembering Asher's roommate. Brandon Rushings. AKA Douche Nozzle Extrarordinaire. ' We have to take care of that guy, I will not have him disrespecting my mate.'

' Agreed. Now call your father. He should hear the good news. Then after, we can hunt down that prick.' She growls.

I rush inside and into my dorm room, totally forgetting about Emily until I almost run her over. " Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." I apologize.

She puts her hand over her heart and says, " It's ok. I was expecting you back sooner. It's been hours. I got worried when you weren't back after the sun went down."

" I met the most amazing guy." I gush.

" Oh wow! Cool. Are you going to see him again?" She asks, perking up. Nothing like gossiping about boys.

"Yes, we are having coffee in the morning! I need to call my dad real quick. I'll be right back." I say as I grab my phone and go out into the common area of the dorm. Luckily it is empty. I quickly hit call on my dad's number and wait for him to answer.

Ring..... Ring..... Ring.... " Ivy? Is something wrong? I wasn't expecting to hear from you until tomorrow." he says quickly, sounding worried.

" Calm down, Daddy. Everything is fine. Wonderful actually. I have the best news. I met my mate!" I practically scream in his ear.

I hear a clatter and realize he must have dropped the phone. After a bit more rustling, he comes back on and says, " Your mate!?! Congratulations darling! Tell me about him."

" Oh Daddy, he is perfect. He is a few inches taller than me with dark brown hair and the most beautiful chocolate eyes. He's so sweet and cute and nerdy. He's a gamer, too." I ramble as I lift the collar of his sweater that I'm still wearing to my nose. " You were so right about his scent, too. It is the most amazing thing. He smells like old books and coffee. I love him already. I can't wait for you to meet him."

" That's wonderful, baby girl. I'm so happy for you. Now if only your brother could meet his mate soon. Your mother is still acting as Luna, and while I know she doesn't mind, I'm ready for her to be all mine." He says with the hint of a growl.

I giggle at him. " So possessive, you are." I say in a terrible Yoda impression. " Well I will let you go, I just wanted to tell you the great news. Goodnight, Daddy."

" Goodnight, sweetheart." I hear just before I hang up.

I go back to my room and walk in more slowly this time. Emily is lounging on her bed reading a book. She looks up as I walk in and quickly puts a bookmark in before placing her book beside her on the bed. I walk over and dramatically throw myself back on my bed while placing my hand on my forehead.

You Smell Like... Mine (Book 1 in the 'You Smell' series)Where stories live. Discover now