Chapter 28 - For Shame

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A/N: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my husband, my inspiration. Thank you for believing in me Daydream!

Ivy's POV

I can't believe what I am seeing. This has to be a mistake. Maybe I'm just seeing things. I reach out to touch the abomination again. Nope, it's still there. I slowly turn to look at Asher and can tell that he is surprised by the dismay I feel plastered across my face. I need to calm down. Maybe it isn't his. There has to be some rational explanation.

"What is that," I disgustedly gesture towards the game, if you can even call it that. Games are supposed to be fun. That is a foul mockery. ", doing on your shelf, Asher?"

He looks taken aback by my cold tone and shifts nervously. When he sees which game I am referring to his expression turns affronted. "What are you talking about? The Legend of Dragoon is awesome."

No no no no, this can't be happening. He is probably just confused. Yeah, that has to be it. "Baby, I think the word you were going for is awful. Don't worry, I know what you meant. It's fine." I say as I comfortingly pat his shoulder.

"Um, no babe, I mean that it is awesome. I played it all the time as a kid. I love that game." He defends.

"Take it back!" I demand. "You can't mean that."

"No!"He says adamantly. "Some of my favorite times growing up were playing it and I won't deny how I feel about it."

"Blasphemy!" I gasp, pointing an accusatory finger at him, "That game is a disgrace to games everywhere! You can't like it. I won't allow it." I tell him resolutely.

"You won't allow it? You can't control how I feel about things. That's not the way this works, Ivy." I can tell he is trying to remain calm, but so am I.

"Well someone has to help you because clearly you can't be trusted to make these decisions on your own. I am so disappointed in you. You should really be ashamed of yourself. I mean, what next? Are you going to tell me that Napoleon Dynamite is your favorite film?" I ask with distaste.

"Don't be ridiculous. My favorite movie is Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Obviously." He huffs.

"Oooh!" I say excitedly. "That movie is amazing! Don't you just love the part where... wait! No. I will not let you distract me from your grievous treachery."

"Come on, love. Don't be like that. What if I agree to never play it while you are around? Will that make you feel better?" He placates.

I give him the side eye as I think it over. Huffing, I relent. "Fine, but I will hold you to that. I can't guarantee what I will do if I ever see it, so don't abuse my kindness."

"Yes, oh great one. I do thank you for your generosity." He says with a wink.

Suddenly I hear Brock teasingly whisper, "Awww, look, their first fight." I turn my head to look over at the bed and see Brock and Brandon cuddling.

My face heats. "Yes, well, it is over now. You two seem to have worked things out. Are you guys all better now?" 

Brandon nods, "Yeah, everything is good. I can deal."

"Good, good," I say as I look over at the alarm clock by Asher's bed. 9:15. "Ok, well I need to head back to my room. And, Brock?" I jerk my head towards the blocked window. "Fix that. It's a safety hazard." With that, I turn to leave the room.

Asher follows me out to the front of his building and I stop right outside the door. Pulling him to me, I steal a sweet kiss. Then wrapping my arms tightly around him, I bask in his warmth. "I'll see you tomorrow, right?" I ask as I step back from him.

"You know it. Goodnight, Ivy. I love you." He says.

"I love you, too. Goodnight." I smile softly.

I turn and head towards my dorm as he goes back inside. I still can't understand how he could possibly enjoy that filth. I shiver in disgust. What is wrong with him? 

'Can you believe him, Emersyn?' I ask her. 'Oh, the horror!'

She snickers, 'Cut him some slack. No one is completely perfect.'

'You got that right. Uh. Oh well, I love him anyway.' I sigh. 'I really, really do.'

A/N: Thanks for reading! Please Vote and Comment!

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