Chapter 13- B&B Sitting in a Tree

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Ivy's POV

Before Brock can finish his sentence, I rush forward. I place my hands on his massive chest and push him backwards until I know the guys won't be able to hear us while letting my eyes flash to the golden brown of my wolf. He seems like he still wants to resist, so I push my Alpha waves onto him and say in a low but stern tone, "Calm yourself. We are surrounded by humans and you WILL Not cause a scene. Do you understand?"

He nods jerkily, but his eyes are still fixed over my shoulder. "Yes, I understand. But my mate is over there, and I will have him."

"I will not keep you from him, but you must proceed with caution. Now, which one of these lucky gentlemen belongs to you?" I question. I was too worried about him revealing us to the humans before to really pay attention to who had caught his attention. Heck, I didn't even know Brock was gay.

"He is sitting at the table that you were at." He says.

I bristle at his words, thinking for a moment that he means my Asher. "Which one?" I question with a clenched jaw.

"The one that you were sitting across from." He tilts his head towards Brandon.

I sigh in relief before blinking in shock. Brandon? His mate is Brandon? The Douche Nozzle? Ok, so I shouldn't call him that anymore because he seems to be trying to be a better person, but still. Ok, ok. This is a surprise, but it will be fine. "Alright, well if you promise to be on your best behavior, I will introduce you. Keep in mind that he is human, and I don't even know if he is into men. It may take a little time to woo him, but I'm sure you won't have any problems. Are we agreed?"

"Yes, but I know he wants me. I can smell his desire from here." He tells me with a hint of a growl.

"Ok, Ew. TMI man." I say with a chuckle. "Come on then, I can introduce you to my mate as well." He smiles widely, and I lead him back to the table where the guys are waiting. I notice that Brandon can't take his eyes off of Brock, and I can see his throat work as he swallows hard when we near them. "Guys, this is Brock Anders. Brock this is my boyfriend, Asher Reed, and his roommate, Brandon Rushings. Brock is an old friend of my family."

Brock nods at Asher, but reaches out his hand to Brandon. I'm amused by the intense blush on Brandon's face as he accepts his hand. However, I'm not surprised that it deepens when instead of the handshake I'm sure he was expecting, Brock pulls his hand to his lips before placing a sweet kiss to the back of it. The pheromones emanating from them are becoming uncomfortable, so I elbow Brock and nod towards the seat next to Brandon. He slowly releases Brandon's hand with a wicked smile before making his way around the table. Pulling the chair out and sliding it closer to Brandon, he sits, never breaking eye contact with his mate.

I look to Asher and he raises one eyebrow at me. I shrug and roll my eyes before leaning close to his ear and whispering," Brock can be a bit intense when he wants something, and he has apparently set his sights on your roommate. I hope he doesn't scare him off."

Asher chuckles, " I doubt it, Brandon looks like he just caught a glimpse of heaven."

I look back over at the pair of them and see that Asher is right. They aren't speaking, but their eyes are locked in an extreme staring match. I clear my throat loudly, and Brandon quickly looks away causing Brock to let out a quiet growl as he glares at me. " So... Brandon, Asher tells me you are on the wrestling team." I state, trying to get a conversation going to lessen the growing tension.

Brock quickly turns back to Brandon, "Is that right, beautiful?"

The blush that had slowly faded comes back full force to Brandon's cheeks. "Um, yeah. I'm here on a wrestling scholarship."

"Hmm. That means you must be pretty good. Maybe you could show me your moves sometime?"

Brandon's face turns even redder, and he quickly stands," Um, maybe. Uh... I have to go. See you gu-" Before he can finish speaking, Brock pushes his chair back from the table and quickly grabs Brandon by the hips, pulling him onto his lap.

"Not yet, baby. I just got here. You can stay for a bit longer, can't you?", Brock croons into Brandon's neck. I can see him shiver, and I roll my eyes. Way to take it slow, Brock. Not.

A/N:  Please comment and vote people! Did you see that coming? I wonder how big bad Brandon will react to this much larger guy manhandling him...

You Smell Like... Mine (Book 1 in the 'You Smell' series)Where stories live. Discover now