Chapter 42 - Wake-Up Call

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Ivy's POV

Waking up the morning after my mating night to the sight of my mate naked, covered in blood, and smiling like this is the best day ever is a surprise. Then the screaming started. I shoot up in bed at the sound, thinking that something must be wrong. My fear leaves almost as suddenly when he starts to speak.

"Oh my Goddess! Mate! My mate! I love you! I am so glad the Moon Goddess chose me for you and you for me. Oh, Ivy! I will make you so happy, I just know it! Look, I brought you food. I will provide for you and love you and I'm just so excited to be here with you." He rambles adorably.

Ok, so this isn't Asher. I should have known immediately, but I blame my sleep-addled mind. I feel Emersyn perking up and her tail is practically vibrating it is wagging so quickly. "Hi there, I'm really happy to meet you, too. What's your name cutie?" I ask him as I feel a smile trying to eat my face. He is so adorable, I can't take it.

"My name is Leif and you are Ivy! Asher told me. He said I shouldn't wake you, but I brought you food and I was sure you would want to eat. I have to take care of you. I am your mate. It is my job." He tells me proudly.

'I want to cuddle him to pieces! Oh, Ivy, he is so precious!' Emersyn is practically fangirling in my head.

'I know. And look, he brought breakfast.' I tell her.

"Well, Leif, I can't tell you how pleased Emersyn and I are to finally meet you." I say.

"Emersyn? Do you have a wolf in your head, too? Can I see her? Please? Please say I can see her. We can all have breakfast together! It will be so great. Please!" His earnest begging is the absolute cutest thing I have ever seen. Asher is adorable all on his own, but the hyper puppy thing that Leif has going on is just.... Ah!

"Of course, but how about we take the meal outside, hmm? We can both shift and enjoy this wonderful meal that you have brought for us." I suggest.

"Yes! Yes. That sounds great!" He says as he picks up the deer around its chest and starts toward the door.

I love that he brought breakfast, but I really wish he had left it outside because the blood will be hard to clean off of the floor. Brandon and Brock are going to give us so much crap about this after the jokes we made about having to sterilize the cabin they used on their mating night. Oh well, it was very sweet anyway. I get out of bed and shift quickly because outside of the blankets it's pretty chilly in here. As I make my way to the door I catch the sound of Leif shifting and I see his beautiful wolf when I finally make it outside, I can't help but to think his appearance definitely matches his personality. So happy and cute!

*Hey there pretty baby, how's it going?* Emersyn practically purrs at Leif.

His head immediately pops up from where he was trying to arrange the deer in what I assume was meant to be an appetizing manner. Leif immediately runs over and I don't even fight Emersyn for power as she pushes forward and rubs herself against him.

*Emersyn? Is that you, mate? You are so beautiful! Oh I love you! And I love Ivy. I love Asher, too. He helps me.* Leif rushes out.

*Of course it's me. We love you both, too.* She tells him.

*You doing ok in there, Asher?* I ask.

*Yeah babe, I'm good. This guy, though. He's great, right?* Asher says. *I can't even feel like he is an intruder because I just want to hug him. And the shifting is a lot better than I thought it would be, it always sounds so painful, but it felt pretty cool. The weirdest thing right now is feeling the emotions of three other people. I feel like I might explode with all of the happiness.*

*I'm glad you are adjusting so well. And if it makes you feel better, the empathy is new for all of us. Just imagine what will happen if we all find something funny at the same time.* I chuckle.

While Asher and I have been talking, Emersyn and Leif have already nearly devoured the deer. I feel like my stomach might explode but Emmy keeps going because she doesn't want Leif to think that his gift wasn't fully appreciated. Leif look keeps pushing the best bits towards her while giving her a goofy grin, or at least as much of a grin as a wolf can manage. Each time she takes a bite of what he chose for her, Leif looks like he might swoon. He truly is something else.

*Ugh. I'm glad you've kept me distracted through this. Even now, the thought of eating raw meat isn't even remotely appealing.* Asher tells me in disgust.

*Don't worry, love. It's an acquired taste.* I reassure him.

'We don't have any plans for today, right?' Emersyn suddenly asks me.

'Uh, no. Not that I can think of.' I say.

*Come on Leif! I know a great place that we can go for a swim after we dump this carcass somewhere further away from the cabin so the scavengers can have breakfast, too.* Emersyn tells him.

*I'll carry it. Don't you worry, mate. I will take care of you always. Anything you want or need will be yours. I can't believe how lucky I am! You are the best mate ever! I just love you so much!* Leif quickly responds. 

The rest of the day was spent with Emersyn showing Leif everything she could possibly think of on our territory. When the sun starts to set, Asher and I take control and head back to the cabin. I love running with him like this. He startles me when he suddenly tackles me from the side. It only takes a moment for me to realize he wants to play. We roll and playfully nip at each other for several minutes before I allow him to pin me. I can't bear to tell him that I let him win when I see his delight at finally getting the upper hand. I think Leif has the right idea. This is the best day ever. With the four of us together, I finally feel complete.

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