Chapter 12 - Lunchtime Surprise

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Asher's POV

I was surprised to find Brandon already gone when I woke up this morning, but then remembered that he has early morning training with the wrestling team every day. I was even more taken aback when he sat down next to me in my last morning class with a cautious smile. Once class was over, I invited him to join me for lunch, hoping that we could actually become friends. He accepted and followed me to the cafeteria.

Before I grabbed a tray, I glanced around hoping to see Ivy. I had intended on texting her, but didn't realize until I got to my first class that I had forgotten my phone in my room. Catching sight of her red hair outside on the patio, I tell Brandon I will be right back before making my way towards her. About 5 feet from the table, I suddenly hear a very loud burp. I bark out a laugh, surprised that such a sound could come from a girl.

She turns, looking embarrassed when she sees me. I make a joke about it, wanting to ease her discomfort and tell her that I invited Brandon. She seems shocked but doesn't protest so I head back inside to find Brandon and get some lunch. After grabbing a hamburger, french fries, and a bottle of water from the food line, I lead us out to the patio. I sit next to Ivy, with Brandon across from us. I notice that he looks very uncomfortable when I introduce them, but I ignore it.

I've just stuffed my last few fries in my mouth when I feel Ivy stiffen beside me before quickly looking around. She relaxes after a moment, and I follow her gaze to a huge, buff guy coming towards us. He is enormous. Like, maybe 6'6 and his muscles bulge as he stalks to our table.

 Like, maybe 6'6 and his muscles bulge as he stalks to our table

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^^Brock, AKA 'Huge Buff Guy'

I'm confused when Ivy stands, even more so after he says something I don't catch and Ivy rushes towards him. She walks right up to him and starts pushing him back until they are no longer in hearing range. I feel an intense rush of jealousy as I watch her touching him. He is what most girls drool over, and I know I have no hope of competing against him. The jealous thoughts don't last, however, as I notice that he isn't looking at her. He is staring straight at Brandon.

A/N: I know this is a shorter chapter, but I really wanted to give Asher's POV. Please comment and vote people! Are you enjoying this?

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