Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday to Me

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^^Birthday - By Selena Gomez^^

Asher's POV

Friday, October 12. 2018

I don't know why people always ask how it feels to be - insert age here- any time someone has a birthday. Today, I am officially no longer a teenager and as I look at myself in the mirror I come to the conclusion that I feel and look exactly the same as I did yesterday. I roll my eyes at my reflection for being dumb enough to think I might see a difference.

I step away from the mirror and finish packing my weekend bag. I'm lucky enough to have my birthday fall on a Friday this year, so Ivy decided to throw a big party at the pack house tonight to celebrate. She tells me that parties with them usually go on through most of the night so I'm going to be staying over, in a room on the unmated males' level of course.

This won't be my first time sleeping there. I stayed the night two weeks ago when September's full moon came around. I was invited to stand witness to the mating ceremony of Brandon Malcolm Rushings and Brock Drew Anders as they vowed to spend their lives together. As soon as the ceremony was over Brock picked Brandon up bridal style, ignoring Brandon's protests as per usual, and carried him into the woods. I was confused until Ivy explained that they have a few cabins spread out around their territory for just such occasions, because no one really wants to spend their mating night in a house full of wolves that can hear everything that happens. I was surprised that Brock and Brandon didn't wait longer to complete their bond, but when I asked them about it they said that just because Ivy and I are prudes doesn't mean they have to be. The pair of them just laughed when I tried to explain that wanting to make it special didn't make me a prude, so I walked away.

Ivy and I have been planning our wedding since the night that she said yes. We've decided to have a small ceremony with only our parents, Brock, Brandon, Emily and Ivy's brother Keegan. It will take place in the backyard of my parent's house on the day of our mating ceremony. The moon will be at its fullest on the 22nd of December and underneath it, I will devote my life to Ivy and Emersyn.I'm excited but nervous. Ivy has explained how my body will change and it doesn't sound drastic, but it is the whole 'being gifted with a wolf' thing that worries me. Don't get me wrong, I want it. I just don't really know what to expect. It isn't something I can fully comprehend no matter how much Ivy and Emersyn try to explain it to me. I know Emersyn is excited for me to become a werewolf because while she knows I love her and she loves me, I'm not able to feel the bond the way that she can. It will be nice to be able to talk to her through the mating link. I feel like we don't get as much time together as Ivy and me. 

When I have all of my things packed, I grab my bag and head out. Ivy, Brandon, and Brock left a few hours ago, but I had to stay for my last class so now I have to drive alone. As I get to my car I send Ivy a quick text to let her know that I'm on my way. I'm looking forward to seeing what my girl has been planning. She has been practically vibrating with excitement this week. I tried to be sneaky by asking Emersyn about it when she took control yesterday but she just let out one of her raspy chuckles and rolled her eyes before reminding me that even though Ivy wasn't in control, she was still very much aware. Chagrined, I apologized and left it alone.

Starting my car, I jump when Selena Gomez's 'Birthday' comes blaring out of the speakers. I quickly turn down the volume while shaking my head. Ivy obviously has been doing some sneaking of her own. Crazy girl. I head in the direction of what I now know to be called 'The Crimson River Pack' territory. I asked Ivy why they named their pack that. She said that it was because if anyone tried to come onto their territory for a fight, that their lands would run crimson with the blood of their enemies. I didn't question her further.

When I'm still about 10 miles away I notice a car on the side of the road with a woman standing next to it trying to flag me down. Being the kind-hearted man that I am, I pull over behind her.

"Hey, do you need some help?" I ask her as I get out of my car and walk towards her. When I finally got a good look at her eyes, I stop walking. Something is wrong. I can't put my finger on it, but she scares me. I slowly start to back away, apparently still not having learned my lesson about walking backward. After only 3 steps, my foot lands on a rock and I stumble before landing on my back with the woman steadily stalking towards me. I try to scramble away, but she pounces. Before I can move, she is on me with her arm pulled back. The last thing I see before my world goes black is her fist flying towards my face. 

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you are enjoying my story. Please Comment and Vote!


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