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I am in my Calculus class. The second period after lunch. I am so bored at this class like, our teacher is speaking to air. No one is even listening to her, except me. I don't wanna fail.

I never notice that Finn and I were classmates in Calculus. Well, he did not approach me last Monday. We just did our project last, last week. I guess he never notices me as well.

I felt a vibration on my phone, indicating that I have a message. I sneak my phone out and I saw a text message from Finn, at the same time, he raises his hands and said if he could go to the restroom.

I saw and it says, "follow me, we need to talk." So I raised my hand and ask if I could go. Mrs. Bush allowed me then I texted where's the restroom he went in. Then I went there.

"Thank god, Jacques you're here." He exclaimed.

"I'm not gonna play dumb if you wanna talk about last Saturday, don't worry I'll keep it a secret." He just stared at me.

He leans forward and he tried to kiss me. I pushed him away.

"What the hell dude? What's wrong with you?" I said in angrily yet silent mode.

"I know that you're also gay, Jacques. I do know that nobody knows that here in school. So if you spilled my scandal, I promise you, I'm gonna screw your life!" He said and still, I am in shock.

He slams the door shut and left me there shook. I don't know what the hell just happen. Now I know why Rafael is warning me about Finn. I don't know if I'm gonna tell him or not.



I saw the mighty Finnegan went out of the restroom with a smile on the face.

"Hey, Rafael." He said grinning and walked away.

I am in shock. Then when I went inside the restroom I saw, Jacques?

"Why do you look mortified? What happen?" I ask.

"Don't worry I am totally fine."

"You're not fine. You look pale. What did Finn do to you?" I ask really worried.

"Uhm, uh... Nothing really. I--"

"So you're lying to me now? Do you think that I don't know that you and Alexis have this secret session only the two of you and I'm not invited?"

He started to tear up. He is totally shaking.

"Well, I don't bother if you guys hang out without me. I just think that you guys keep secrets and I hate it! Do you guys even think that I am still your friend?"

"Why do you hate every decision I do Rafael? I only do this because I need a girl's perspective!" Jacques started to speak up.

"Don't you think I can also help you? Huh? I feel useless Jacques!" We are both shouting.

"Why do you care a lot about me?"

"Because I like you!"

Silence. He's in shock.

"Now I don't know if you like me back or if you only see me as a friend. But I like you, Jacques." I started to tear up as well.

"I do wish that you like me back." Then I turn my back at Jacques. I open the door and heard that he is murmuring some words.

"I do."

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