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"Okay, so everyone is making a big deal about this. Which makes me anxious. As fuck." We are walking to the hallways to go to our locker.

"Well, it sounds like a big deal."

"Would you come?" I ask, shyly.

"Well, I shall. Why do they expect a big deal about it anyway?" Rafael asks while putting his stuff in his locker.

"Because I never had a friend before?"

"WHAT? No way!"

"Uhuh! And the thing is. This is the first time, for me, to actually have someone to play Lego with." I said. My god, my panic attack is getting worse.

"You're kidding me. You're the coolest person I've ever met."

"I'm not fishing for complements okay? That makes me uncomfortable."

"Alright, alright. But listen." He grabs me in my forearms and shakes.

"Everything will be fine." Then he left me shook. He smiled looking back and went to his first class.

So then I started to walk my way out of my misery and all I could think about is me having dinner with my family and Rafael. It is quite nasty for my family to do this. This isn't a big deal at all, like EVER! I should just prepare for it though.


"Mom, please no embarrassing stories okay? I'm completely freaking out."

"Don't worry honey. I will not spill any tea. L-O-L." She said proudly.

"Funny mom." I giggled a little bit. It is funny.

"Now, get the table ready your father should be home soon." I nod.

"And also, did you invite your friend over?" She added.

"I already told him. He's quite excited about it." I said.

"I love that!" She said taking the baked chicken out of the oven.

"And I don't"

"Did you say something honey?"

"Nah, nothing."

"Alright then." She continues her business and I did mine and I heard dad comes into the room and look who's with him.

"I think you already meet Rafael." I greeted them.

"Yeah, he is a sweet kid." My dad said.

"I'm gonna leave you two here and I'll help your mother set up the table. *shouts* Chloe! Help your mother in here!" He heads to the kitchen and left us alone their awkwardly.

"So, this is your house?" Rafael opens up.

"Yeah obviously?"

"Well Uhm, uh... It's nice. I didn't know you were rich?" He grins.

"I'm not rich. This is an old suburban house that's just renovated. So you mean, you'll never gonna be friends with me if I'm poor?"

"Well, actually not that. I am friends with you because you're different, and I like that. I never met anyone like you before." I just nod.

"You know what? Our school is filled with stereotypical human beings across the hallways and when I saw you, you're not one of them. I believe you will be a unique friend to be with." He added.

"I am uncomfortable but happy at the same time," I said.

"It's fine. I don't care if you don't like compliments. I'm just saying here." He said that to me, fake angry.

"You know you were quite like one of those stereotype people you're saying. I actually do think that everyone has no difference with each other. When I hang out with you, I realized that I'm wrong and you are different." I said.

"We all have this uniqueness in every person. We just have to find it."

"Yeah. I do believe like, every stereotype in our school has their own thing, but they never show it because of how people will react to it."

"Indeed. So speaking of uniqueness and all that, tell me what you are currently doing." He asks and I get nervous.

"I wanted to share but I don't know if I can."

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