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"So this is Alexis."

"Oh Hi!" She extends her arm and asking for a handshake.

"I don't do handshake girl, but nice to meet you!" I said enthusiastically.

"Oh it's fine don't worry." She said.

"I only do handshakes when I don't like the person." She looks at me.

"Or at least, if I don't want to be friends with the person." She looks at me in awe.

We started walking our way into the cafeteria since it is lunch right now. We only saw each other at lunch. We go on another day of really crowded lunchtime as always. It is always been loud.

"You're high introverted aren't you?" She asks.

"Yes, I am," I replied.

We go to the counter to get something to eat before we all talk in one session. I did get a veggie burger and water because why not be healthy today?

"So you're a vegan?" She asks.

"Well actually no, I just wanted to eat healthy today. Just today though." I reply.

"So, tell us your story," I said, sitting in our favorite seat.

"So, once upon a time, a boy name-"

"No I mean, your hobbies, things you do for fun and all that stuff," I said, chuckling

"Oh sorry. So yeah I write some children's book as a hobby. Then I put some LGBTQ+ themes in it. You know for them to understand that it is okay to be like this and to be like that. Also, I am a film director, I do some short films on my YouTube Channel. You guys should check them out."

"Woah! Cool!" Rafael exclaimed.

"Well, since I don't have any friends here since we just moved here. I don't have actors and actresses who can play in my upcoming short films."

"We can be your actors. I'm great at acting." I said.

"Gotcha. You Rafael? Do you want to join?" She asks.

"Well yeah sure." He said. Kinda excited.

"Hooray!! So my current children's book has this boy who had a crush with a guy in his school but he never realizes he was gay. I don't know how to continue but, we are going to make it like a teen to a young adult type of film. Are you okay, being gay actors?"

"Oh, actually we are-" I was about to say we both are gay so she already knew. Since she will be our new friend but Rafael interrupted me.

"Yeah, we're both fine with it."

"Great! Alright. After the biology project, we will start production." She said.

Then there I was silent and just eating my food. Alexis is quite excited about all of this and Rafael too. I am excited too. But not as much. We continue eating our lunch and we are just in time to finish it because the bell rings right away. This is for me the quickest lunch that I ever had.

We started to walk our way into the halls. Since we all are having the same class up next. There we go. We went to our locker first. Alexis went to her's because it is a few doors away from ours.

Then he headed into the classroom quickly because we are a minute late now.

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