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I am sitting in my bed. Looking up and just doing nothing. Feeling empty. I let this nothingness fill in my body like helium filling up a balloon. Water filling up a glass of water. Milk filling up a box.

Out of nowhere, I grab my phone and start texting Rafael because something really bugs me out. The fact that he didn't say to Alexis that we are gay. I think that it is totally fine.

Me: Dude, why didn't you tell Alexis?

Rafael: Tell her what?

Me: That we are gay?

Rafael: I mean, we shouldn't say that right away, we just met her.

Me: I know but she needs to know.

He didn't reply back so I add more.

Me: She'll think that we are just straight dudes.

Rafael: Well she can't do anything about it. She doesn't have any friends than us.

Me: Yeah but she can find more.

Rafael: Are we arguing about this.

Me: Well I don't wanna.

Rafael: Fine. We will tell her. But we need time. Alright? We need to know her first.

Me: Alright.

I don't know why I even started the conversation since it is totally dumb. I think I am still lost. Also, I don't want to leave people hanging. So, I need to be the last one who texts.

I kinda approve to the point that, we need to trust her first then just tell her the truth.


"How do you guys do your project so far?" I started up the conversation because, why is it so quiet?

"Well, We haven't done anything yet actually," Alexis said.

"But we're going to work on it later," Rafael said in a defensive tone.

Then it went silent. Again. Out of nowhere, the jocks give this large aura of noise that makes us tremble. Letting us know about their presence. I think Finn wants to speak to me.

"Hey Jacques, I'm going to sleep over to your house tonight for the project, is that okay?" He said with a nice smile. He looks nice.

"Uh, *shutters* Uhm, uh... Yeah, uh... Sure." I smiled back. I am mortified with a lot of jock that is staring at me right now. Oh my gosh.

"Why are you terrified buddy? It's just us. Anyway, I will come over at 7." Finn said.

"I'll send you the address."

"Awesome. Let's bulldogs!" They shout 'aye' all in unison makes me very uncomfortable because of the noise and finally. They went away.

"Finn is actually a nice-looking guy," I said.

"I agree though," Alexis said.

Rafael is kinda murmuring something under his breath but I can't hear it.

"Uhm, you're saying? Rafael?" I asked in a polite way.

He just grins at me and just continues eating and we were so silent the whole time. It feels like forever. I always had this silent type of lunch but with people around me, that doesn't talk? I don't think so. The bell rings and we started walking. We all have different classes so we split ways.



It is a very, very silent lunchtime since I don't really know what to open up in a conversation. Besides, I'm not in the mood though. I am not angry at Jacques. But that thing is, there is someday that makes my mood change and I don't know.

It bothers me so much when the jocks came by to our table. Asking about their project and how he ask Jacques to sleep over in their house. How dare him. Well, I guess Jacques hasn't known him yet.

"Finn is actually a nice-looking guy," Jacques said.

"I agree though," Alexis said.

"He's a jerk," I said under my breath. I don't want them to hear me.

"Uhm, you're saying? Rafael?" I think Jacques heard me. I just grin at him and continue eating.

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