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The music is to fit with this chapter. It's English ver, not my video. If you wish to listen to the original version go ahead but I think it's easier to understand in English. The photo is Hero's outfit for the day, except a ball cap and a black mask. Anyways, enjoy.~


In the morning I woke up before anyone else. I decided it was best to let Jimin sleep and grab my stuff to ready myself before I leave. Of course I didn't want to leave so suddenly so I made them all breakfast and ate myself in wait for someone to wake up. Luckily it was Yoongi, shockingly.

"What? Surprised?" he glares at me sitting down and grabbing some food, obviously still tired.

"Nope, not at all. Actually I need to head out now. Tell Jimin when he get's to text me." I say standing, a sandwich in hand.

"You're leaving already?" he asks widening his eyes.

"All these clothes aren't going to wash themselves." I laugh lightly continuing my walk to the door slipping on my shoes.

"Okay, well be safe on your way back." he tells me.

I laugh again, smiling at him stepping out the door with my bags. I walk down the dead street in silence. Shop owners coming out and setting up, others coming out to get their news papers. Once I get back to the orphanage I am greeted by a sad look from Jae. She holds out three files, all with different names on them, different adopters.

"Since you only have a month left i'm not going to look for anymore homes for you." she drops the files onto the floor.

I frown at the mess she made, looking back to her. She starts to tear up.

"Jae those homes could go to other kids here. Don't just throw them out of the pile because I wasn't able to become their kid." I tell her, she sniffles telling me i'm right before bending down and picking up the files.

As I walk through the orphanage to the laundry part I notice it's more full than normal. I guess I forgot school was out now. When I got into the room fully of washers and dryers I smiled. I stuck my one load of clothes into the washer and hit start, leaving the room with my suitcase and backpack. Heading up to my room I un pack and look around the small room. In the orphanage when you move out you are not allowed to take the furniture. So towards the end of this month I will tell my boss i'll be working full time and start packing up my room to move into my new space.

I did some work, and other things around the orphanage for a little until my clothes were done. Once I folded and put them away I was almost ready to head out. Heading back to the first floor I try to walk out the door unnoticed. Of course it doesn't work. Jae catches me, following her are the three I haven't seen in a while. They smile and laugh pulling at my sleeves. The nine, eight, and six year old all giggle and start pulling on my arms to get me going.

"Could you take them out for a while? They really want to hang out with you." with a sigh I nod, letting the smaller kids pull me out of the building.

"Let's get ice cream!" JinHee says happily.

"Yes! Please! Please Hero!" InYeong begs pulling on my arm.

With another sigh I check my phone, with it being 10 already and no text from Jimin I decide it would be alright.

"Sure. I know a great place." I smile at them taking Cheol and InYeong hands, JinHee following close behind.

I take them ten minutes down the road to the little sweet shop I visited a while back when Jimin and I had our fight. Luckily even this early in the morning they were open.

"Now you only get one thing, okay. Whether it's ice cream or not." I tell them and they nod.

InYeong was the first to pick. Deciding on some kitten shape frosted cookies that come in a three box. Next was JinHee, picking an ice cream cookie sandwich covered in sprinkles and frosting, giving him an extra cookie for free. Lastly was Cheol who said he couldn't decide, eventually he had me help him and got some frozen yogurt with mini cheesecake bites, skittles, wafers, and sprinkles; all on top of chocolate and vanilla bean froyo. I ended up getting something myself. Which happened to be frozen yogurt too. French vanilla with mini cheesecake bite, cookie dough bites, gummy bears, and sprinkles.

The total ended up being $10 even surprisingly. I made sure we all thanked the man who ran the register before the four of us left the shop. On the say back we ate our sweet treats, stopping by a park so they could throw away their trash and relax or play around. They opted for playing instead of relaxing, which I opted for relaxing on the bench watching the three. I checked my phone again. Finally it was about 11:20, I still hadn't gotten a text from Jimin. No matter, I thought to myself. I stood up off the bench slipping my phone into my pocket.

We all headed back to the orphanage and I sent the kids on their way before leaving to what I was originally going to do. With a hat on my head and a black mask on I headed off to the Big Hit Building. When I enter I lower my mask and greet the desk woman from before. She smiles sweetly like the last time and asks me who I am here for.

"The boss." I all I have to say and she nods calling him up.

With a smile she tells me he'll meet me here and to wait just a moment. Like she said he pops up a moment later, smiling widely. We shake hands and he makes a comment to which I laugh at and we start walking towards his office. I take the mask off fully now, with no need to hide my face. As we talk while walking down the hallway, a door off to the side opens. Out walks Jungkook he looks up to greet his boss and mid bow stops shocked to see me.

"Good morning Jungkook." he says with a smile to my hyung, who continues to stare.

"Good morning PD-Nim." he says, his voice a bit out of place.

We continue down the hallway talking, but I could feel Jungkook's eyes burning a hole into my back. Once in the safety of his office we discussed about my mother and what I came here for. He gave me more information and at the end I sang for him. He gave me compliments about sounding a lot like my mother. Finally he told me to come again and I left. My cheeks hurting I check my phone. It has only been an hour. I guess it's time to see the group. Oh look a message from Jimin.

'Are you in the building?'

With a smile I walk to their practice room and knock. With a 'come in' I open the door. Everyone look at me and then smile.

"Answer you question Min?" I ask closing the door and stepping to him with a smile.

"What were you talking to PD-Nim about?" Jungkook comes up and asks.

"Just some stuff. Have you have a good morning so far Jimin?" I ask pulling him towards me.

"Yeah I guess. What kind of stuff?" I knew he was going to ask.

With a small sigh I kiss his cheek and let go, stepping away a little. I pull out my phone, pulling up a random song sang and written by my mom. I haven't ever heard any of her songs.

"Do any of you know this song?" I ask.

"Yeah, isn't it Love Isn't Real by Dawn Moon? She was in this company in the past right?" Namjoon asks.

"Your right, except like all of you it was a stage name. Her real name was Joon Tae-Kyeong." I tell them.

"How do you know so much about her?" Taehyung asks.

"Because she's the person i've been looking for answers on without knowing it." I tell them. "Appearntly my mom was a famous singer." I tell them looking around the room and their faces.

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