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A light peeking through the windows woke me up, a small groan, and slowly sitting up made me realize I was still in my clothes from yesterday. This made sense into why my bones where now aching. I turn onto my side to watch the peaceful face of Jimin. I decided that after the events of yesterday I needed to go, get away, just for a little while. Of course my plan of action was probably not the best. I look over to the clock, 5:12am. No one was going to bed up right now so I decided now was a best time as any.

I get up quietly, I grab some paper and a pen writing a small note. I leave it on the nightstand. With a small smile I grab a shirt from Jimin's closet that fits me, thank god he likes wearing big hoodies. I grab the pink one, the one he wears so much. I walk over to him, watching his sleeping face. My smile drops a little, he's not going to know where i'm going, but I hope he'll know why. I lean down kissing his forehead softly. He turns over at my action. I walk out the door, quiet and careful not to make any noise. When I got to the Livingroom two figures laying on the couch made me smile.

'I'll only be gone for a few weeks. I'll be back before they know it.' I think to myself.

I slip on my shoes, looking back, smiling, and leaving quietly. My first stop was work. They would be opening around right now, so I should be able to catch the manager to take off work. As I entered the shop I was greeted by the only worker at the front counter. Gunner, he's American but moved here with his fiancé. He greets me and for some reason knew exactly who I was looking for before I even asked.

"The boss is in the back." he says with a smile.

"Thank you dude." I smile, heading to the back.

Thirty minutes later he tells me to have a good vacation of unpaid leave, gives me my check for last weeks work and sends me on my way. I ask Gunner not to say anything unless someone asks. With that done I head to the orphanage. It's two more months until my birthday. I just have eight more weeks to wait, and then i'm out of this place for good. Some kids who are still in school are in the cafeteria eating breakfast. I sneak up to my room and start packing.

I pack a few pairs of pants and shirts, some shorts, socks, boxers, my extra shoes. Cologne, deodorant, comb, shower supplies, and some other things I will need. I take a shower, put on fresh clothes, slip on Jimin's hoodie. As I sip up my suit case I pull out an old black backpack from under my bed. I load the things I need for my phone and laptop. I pack up my laptop and open my phone. Calling a cab I finish up my packing and look around the room. I smile at the space I've lived in for 17 years of my life.

As I head downstairs I send a text to Jae, telling her I was visiting a friend for a few weeks. In the cab I call the said friend. I wasn't going far, but no one knew where I was going so there was no need to go somewhere too far anyways.

"Hello?" the voice of Xiumin came through the phone.

"Hey dude, you think your manager would mind me hanging around the studio for a little while?" I ask with a smile on my face and a laugh in my voice.

"I don't know, i'll ask. Why? Thinking of visiting us for a week, don't you have work?" he says, I almost want to laugh at how much older he sounds.

"Took off leave, I have some things I need to do and was thinking I could stay at your guy's dorm for a few weeks." I tell him, my voice getting a little serious at the end.

"I'll talk to the others. Knowing you, your already packed and on your way huh?" I didn't need to answer for him to know and so with a soft sigh from the other end he continued to talk. "Does this have anything to do with your family?" Once again without an answer he kept going. "You know which room we are in, don't act like a stranger." he ends the call and I sigh.

The next few weeks is going to be rough, but something will come out of it. I just hope it will all be good.


(I never specified but the book is set back in 2016)

I had the driver drop me off a block away from the building, in front of a store. I paid him and sent him on his way with a quick, simple 'thank you'. I buy a pre-paid phone and add the contacts i'll need for the next few weeks in, once done I shut off my phone and stick it into my back. For the next few weeks I will act as if I have completely forgotten the past few months. I will ask my friends to not mention how my life has been and i'll share little to no detail until the end of my trip about what has been going on back home.

When I got to the building I am greeted by the desk lady, she's seen me here many of times before and so she didn't mind letting me past to see the boys. I haven't seen them since 2013 when I was younger. I originally met Sehun first, we had been friends way before. I still don't remember how we became friends but he says we met at a park. I met the others one by one, when I would see them at the dorm or out. The one I was most nervous to see out of all of them was Luhan. Despite him being eight years older than me we hit it off pretty well.

At one point we had a thing. It wasn't as big as the others say it was, but to say I didn't love him would be lying. He was my first love, he was the reason I found out I was gay. After a few months it ended. It didn't matter much because the only reason I was there was because Jae kept finding homes in the area for me to live in. So after we broke up, I asked Jae to not put me in another home near the area, so she moved her search to the outskerts of Seoul.

Finally i'll be back but that doesn't mean I want to see him. When I entered the practice room everyone stopped and looked towards me. The members were sweaty and were obviously tired. The first to come over to me was of course Sehun. Me standing at 5'10 and him at 6'0 was a big difference, but surpisingly when he jumped at me I was able to dodge the attack, just barely though. Everyone laughed and I scaned the room for the face I was expecting to see, but some how didn't.

"HERO YOU'RE BACK!!!" I was hugged by the giant Sehun.

"NOT SO TIGHT HUN!" I exclaim using his nickname as I try to breath correctly, when he squeezes.

"Where have you been?" he asks as he lets go.

"The orphanage like always, it's not my fault the one i'm stuck in is on the other side of town." I tell them with a smile.

I continue to look around the room as the others ask questions.

"Who you looking for? Could it be Luhan?" Sehun whispers to me and I look towards him shocked he noticed.

"He left about two years ago. Almost a few months after you disappeared, we told him you were made to leave but I guess he couldn't deal with it. Didn't you see it in the news?" he asks.

Shocked I shook my head. I hadn't payed attention to anything the news said anymore. I never looked up how my friends were doing nor did I text them much. So no I didn't know he had left. The reason we broke up was all because of me. I knew my time in the house I was in was coming to an end due to all the fights I was getting into, so I thought it was best to break it off just so he could forget about me and move on when I leave. He appearntly had a different plan, he wanted to try long distance, even if it was only fortyfive minutes away from each other. I couldn't do it though, and he knew that. I guess he didn't want to be here with all the memories of us together.

We continued to talk, leaving off the topic of Luhan, moving to how many homes I've been put into for the past few years and how Yi and NaMi are doing. When Xiu came back he told me the manager was fine with it and I agreed that I wouldn't bother them all that much. I just had some things to do and I would only be staying for as long as I needed to get all the things done.

For the remainder of their practice I watched. Finally we went back to their dorm. I took the couch and smiled, I would be living a life different once more.

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