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Work was like yesterday, slow in the morning, fast during lunch. Jimin came in and talked to me during break, asking if we are still hanging out after work. We both went back to work. I helped clean a little before my shift was over. Now I was just waiting outside for Jimin. It wasn't that dark tonight so I didn't mind, except for the fact it was a little cold. I ended up waiting inside for him because my fingures started getting cold. He was a little late which he appoligized for profusely. We ended up walking to his apartment because it was getting dark and cold.

I texted Jae on the way I would be out later, which I didn't get a reply to. On the way to his apartment he was telling me about his friends and how they can be a bit of a handful but not to be frightened when I first meet them. Once we got there though it was a different story. I got nervous and my palms got sweaty, kind of like I am before a fight. He opened the door and we walked in taking off our shoes. The front area was surprisingly neat even with seven people living in one apartment. Though I did see like twenty pairs of shoes, which I wanted to ask about but said nothing.

"What's up Jimin, decided not to go out tonight?" I heard a voice as further in the apartment.

I followed Jimin in deeper, a little down the hallway from the door laid a room with two couches, a table, a TV, and a rug.

"Actually Jin we have a guest joining us for dinner. It was too cold to hang out outside. We'll be in my room." I hear Jimin tell, 'Jin'.

When we get to the kitchen I finally see 'Jin'. He's tall, taller than me by a little, with brown hair and brown eyes. We give introductions and then we head to Jimin's room. Its bigger than mine, with two beds right next to each other and a desk on the wall across. The room is neat enough, unlike most of the rooms at the orphanage. A sigh escapes me suddenly making Jimin turn to me imiediently, worry on his face.

"Is something wrong?" he asks quickly.

"Huh? Oh, no. Sorry, it's just, this room is nicer than mine. This whole apartment is nicer than my place." I tell him, mumbling the last bit.

"Oh, thank you. My friend helped me decorate. So would you like to play a game or something?" he asks pointing at the TV on another wall with games and consoles below it.

I shake my head at the question, sitting on what I assumed was his bed. He nods and then suggests a few other things. In the end we decide to sit in the living room at watch TV, even though we could've done the same in his room I wanted to sit in the living room. Jin comes to join us after a little and we sit in silence watching some random show, that I would normally have to sit in a noisy room just to watch TV. Halfway through the show a group of people come in talking and laughing. I guess these were the people Jimin told me not to worry about.

Once they saw me they all stopped and stared. Jimin got the gist of the situation and introduced me to everyone. Suddenly I remember him telling me i'm the youngest and so I shoot up out of my seat and bow in respect. Bowing is not something I do often, probably why a few families threw me out after just a few days. One family threw me out after two hours. They said it was something about 'my inability to be nice and talk to others well'. I laugh about it now, but Jae doesn't seem to find it funny. After getting to know everyone Jin told us dinner was ready and we all sat down at the table to eat. Only now did I realize the time. It was 8, meaning I would have someone worrying if they didn't get a text right about now.

I open my phone secretly, seeing that there were a ton of messages from Jae.

"Oh! Jin someone has their phone out." I hear and I pop my head up looking around.

Jin looks around the table and then to me.

"Sorry Hero we don't use phones during dinner." he tells me, then continues. "Please put it away and socialize."

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