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The sun coming through the blinds woke me up, I groaned turning over to snuggle into Hero. Though the feeling of cold is all that enveloped me. I sat up abruptly, expecting to see him coming out of the bathroom drying his hair. But all I saw was the bathroom light off and the bed being empty. Fear ran through me and I got up out of bed, I was to quick to get to me feet, I tripped over the sheets and tried to catch myself with the bedside table. It didn't work and I landed on the floor with a small 'thump'. A piece of paper flew through the air, I watched as it landed upside down on the floor next to me.

I look to the clock, it's only 10:01am. We have practice today, so we should be getting ready soon. I pick up the note and stand, sitting on the bed to read it.

"Hello Min, it's currently 5:47 when i'm writing this. Now I bet you are scared and wondering where I am. I want you to know I love you very much."

'No, no, no, no. I don't want to know where this is going.' I said into my mind, but I kept reading.

"But I can't stay here, I have to leave for a little while. I'll be back in no time, you won't even notice i'm gone. I've left a shirt on the bed for you, and I took one of yours. Now I want you to not come looking for me. I have to do all this alone. No one knows where i'm going so there's no need to ask anyone. My phone will be off so there is no point in contacting me. I was not kidnapped, so don't make it seem like I was. I'm just trying to find some answers. I promise i'll be back. I love you so very much. Tell the others. Love your very own, Hero."

I read this all out loud, tears rolling down my face. He's gone and I don't know how i'm going to live without him. I know that sounds dramatic but the joy in my day comes from getting to see him at the end of a hard day. Not being able to do that for a few weeks is going to kill me. With the note in hand I walk out of my room and towards the living room. My tears dry as I walk, small ones slip out every so often. When I make it to the living room NaMi, Yi, Jungkook, and Yoongi are in there. I'm guessing Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok are in the kitchen from the voices and that Taehyung is still asleep.

NaMi is the first to see me. Her smile fades into a worried one when she sees me. Everyone looks over to me as she gets up and rushes towards me.

"What's wrong Jiminine?" she asks stopping in front of me.

With a shaky hand I give her the note that was adressed to me. The hand that once hand the note in comes up to cover my mouth as a small sob tries to escape, tears flowing more. Hearing her gasp as she reads makes me understand that she knows what is going on. She hugs me tightly, looking back at the shocked others.

"Yi, he left. He's gone." she tells everyone.

"Oh I thought it was something bigger than that." Yi says in a low tone, sighing.

"You idiot it is something big, of course not to us but to Jiminie it is!" she yells at him.

"It's alright Jimin, he'll come back. He just needs to figure things out. This isn't the first time he's done this. Last time he was fifteen, and stayed at a hotel for a week. He said he was trying to figure out what his sexuality was. Of course nothing happened to him, he just sat in his room mainly, I mean he did have one visitor but I don't know who that was." NaMi tells me.

My crying lets up after this statement. I look to her.

"Do you remember what he looked like?" I ask.

"Umm tall, uh that all really. Yi, what did the boy Hero hung out with when he was younger look like?" she lets me go turning to look at him.

"Oh him? Wow woman, from how much you like the group you don't know any of their faces or names huh?" he laughs but stops when she throws a pillow at him. "Ehm, it was Oh Sehun from EXO. I think he said they've been friends for years, though he doesn't remember how they met something about a park or another." he informs.

"Taehyung might have one of their numbers. Why don't you ask him to give a call." Yoongi suggested.

I rush to taehyungs room, he sat at his desk in his PJ's.

"Tae do you have someone in EXO's number?" I ask.

"Yeah, Xiumin. Why?"

"Hero left, I wanna see if they know where he is. Sehun and him have been friends for years." I tell him as he opens his phone and calls Xiumin.


(Hero's POV)

During lunch Xiumin got a call, he said it was Taehyung. I told them all not to say I was here and so he walked off to have a conversation with his friend not mentioning me unless asked. The only thing he said about me was 'I haven't been in contact with him for a few years.' Which was a total lie but i'm glad it made me not be found.


(Jimin's POV)-Time skip a week-

After last weeks discovery I haven't been doing all that well. I try to get my mind off of him but nothing works. No one has seen him. NaMi told me she asked around work, he appearntly took unpaid leave, but didn't say where he was going. We've given up looking and now are just waiting for him to return.

In front of the camera I still have my spark but off, I look tired and sad. I try calling him even though he said not too due to it being off. He didn't say that when he leaves he shuts off all contact like he never lived this part of his life. No one told me this. NaMi and Yi don't really come over often. They are out working, or planing their wedding for the future. NaMi has told me that he might be gone longer than I think, but once he's back it'll be like nothing has changed. The only difference will be how he acts stronger and more willed to do things.

Appearently after finding out his sexuality he was moved near Sehun, Jae kept finding homes near them. I heard from NaMi that he had a boyfriend when he was younger. He never told me about him. Supposedly it was someone from Exo but they weren't all that sure. They knew for sure it was not Sehun though, Hero made it quite clear that he did not like him that way. Almost like a brother. I will not know when he comes back, but I hope he comes back the same, only with the answers he is looking for.

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