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I decided on not going to work today, my head was killing me and I really didn't want to hang around loud people in the morning. So I called in sick and headed off to NaMi and Yi's place. I don't know if i've mentioned before NaMi and Yi have been dating for almost a year now. They got a place together and even have talked about starting a family in the future many of times. I'm now sitting on their couch with a cup of hot coco in my hands, curled into a ton of blankets, at noon right before they leave.

"Aww hun i'm sorry, are you sure you don't want me or Yi to call work off to stay with you?" NaMi asks grabbing her jacket and looking at me.

"I'm sure, thank you though. I might just stay until I have to go back at 8." I say looking up at her with tired eyes.

I cried myself to sleep last night and then woke up really early so I wouldn't get dragged into another foster meeting. So I have bags under my eyes and the color of my eyes are more grey then blue like they normally are. NaMi sighs as she slips her jacket on and nods. We say our 'byes' to each other and they leave.

I watch a few disney movies I haven't seen in a while like Up, Bambi II, Big Hero 6, and Mary Poppins. Around 6 I feel hungry, I haven't eaten all day so I get why. With a sigh I turn off the TV, put my hot coco cup in the sink and leave. I mean it's a 30 minute walk back and the food shops are just around the corner so I think i'm just gonna head over there. I wrap myself in my jacket as I walk slowly with the crowd around the little food venders and other shops. I see a crape and sweets shop so I go in.

I order a nutella crape, a small box of macrons(Strawberry, blueberry, charry, vinilla, orange, lime), some bokliva, beignets, and other sweets. I sat down at the table to put the boxes of sweets I had in a bag they gave me, I started off with the crape as I walked out of the shop thanking them. I just really walked around for about an hour looking in shops and such eating away at my pastry's. I finally sat on a park bench and my phone rung. I saw it was getting even darker than it already was when I left NaMi and Yi's apartment so I checked my phone. The caller ID said Jin and so I answered it.

"Ro where are you? What happened? You haven't been answering any of our calls or texts. Why did Jimin come home last night looking upset?" he asks multiple questions.

"I'm outside near the shops on Jukwo street. Ask Jimin what happened. I'm sorry for not answering I just haven't been in the mood to talk to anyone today." I tell him.

Looking around the crowds have died down quite a bit and now the streets are looking emptier.

"Jimin won't talk to anyone Hero, I need you to come over and talk to him." Jin says.

"No Jin, he'll get over it. I'm not stopping by for the next couple of days anyways. I have a lot of things to do." I tell him with a small sigh.

"Please Ro, you make it better everytime." it almost sounds like he is begging.

"Jin I don't want to see him, I'm not coming over." I tell jin getting upset more and more as we talk about Jimin.

"What happened last night Ro? Why won't you come see him?" Jin get's upset too, not understanding why.

"How about you ask him yourself!" I say loudly ending the call right away.

I sigh quietly, heading home as I do. I can't believe Jimin won't say anything, it is his fault still. I walk down the street that passes their dorm on the way to the orphanage. As I get closer to the entrance of the apartment building I see the figure leaning against the wall of the building. I duck my head and act like I don't know him when I clearly see it's Jungkook.

I don't get past him much when he looks in my direction and calls out to me. I ignore him, acting like I never heard him. Due to this he runs to catch up with me still calling my name until he reaches me and puts a hand on my shoulder. This has me freezing up even when I know I should just tell him to go away and leave me alone, I for some reason can't form the words and get them out. I turn to look at him and suddenly my walls start to crumble, the tears well up and try to spill but I hold them back.

"Hey, Jin wants me to bring you inside." he tells me.

"Jungkook please don't make me, just tell Jin you didn't see me come this way. Please." I practically beg, this shocks him.

"What's wrong Ro? Did he do something to you?" he asks, shock filled face and worry filled voice.

"It doesn't matter anymore." I mumble looking down before looking up into his eyes again. "Just please." I say.

He nods slowly studying my face, "Okay, you best go. I texted Jin and he's on his way down." he lets me know, I nod thanking him and rushing off.

When I get back to the orphanage I get a text from Jungkook, he told Jin it was the wrong person. Jin is upset and Jimin is shut in his room, won't even come out for dinner. I fall asleep tonight with a final sigh and Jimin on my mind.

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