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Maybe it was a bad idea to do what I did last night, or how I did it. It helped at least though, right? I mean what happened afterwards is not what I was expecting but that didn't matter. Jin ended up coming into the room to check out the yelling but when he saw how close our faces were I guess he decided it was best to leave us alone. We laughed about it but when slowly everyone in the house was talking about it we told them all to just drop the topic. It was now 12pm at work and lunch time. I wasn't expecting Jimin until later so it was fine when the boss told us we were closing up early. I ended up going over to NaMi and Yi's apartment, we talked about a lot of things and then I finally decided to bring up Jimin.

"What about Jimin? Have you two made up now?" NaMi asks as she makes a cup of tea for herself.

"Something like that. How would you deal with it if I said we are together now?" I ask stirring my hot coco around with a straw.

A loud cling is heard throughout the kitchen and a squeal follows it. Looking up surprised I see NaMi with her hands covering her red, excited face, and the spoon she was using to stir her tea on the ground. Yi rushes into the room in his shorts and without a shirt on, in the middle of changing, to see what was happening.

"Is there something wrong NaMi?" he asks panicked.

When he sees her face he stands straight and looks towards me with eyes wide.

"Yi, our little boy has grown up!" she yells and hugs me tightly.

He then reacts with a squeal similar to NaMi's and joins the hug.

"So you are finally dating Jimin?!" he says loudly and I laugh as they let go, nodding my head yes.

My phone buzzes in my pocket as NaMi and Yi talk about now that I've grown up they need to get going on family things. I check my phone blocking out their conversation. It was from Jimin.

'Hey, the shop is closed right now? Where are you?'

I look up to check what was happening before texting back.

'Yeah, the boss closed up early today. I think it's his daughters birthday. I'm at my friends place, just up the street from your dorm. I'll meet you at the dorm.'

'Ok, be careful.'

I smile at his words and stand up. The two look towards me as I get to the door and start to pull on my shoes and jacket.

"Where are you going? We have to celebrate." NaMi asks.

"To meet with Jimin at their dorm. We'll celebrate another day." I say opening the door.

"Why can't we just go with you?" NaMi asks.

"Umm, I... don't know. I guess I could ask." I tell them letting the door shut.

"Yeah ask, let me put a shirt on." Yi says as he leaves to put on a shirt.

I pull out my phone again and send a text to Jin.

'Hey Jin, do you mind if I bring over a few friends?'

'How many is a few?'

'Two, they won't be a bother I promise.'

'Okay fine, what's the purpose though?'

'They want to celebrate me "growing up".'

I didn't get a response after that, but I can see he read it.

"Come on you two lets go." I tell them as I walk out the door hearing NaMi's squeals of excitement.


My knock sounds through the dorm and Yoongi opens the door with a smile as he sees me. We are invited in and we take off our shoes, coats, and mittens. I head to the kitchen where Jin is preparing for dinner. Yi stays in the living room with the other guys and NaMi follows me into the kitchen awing at everything she sees.

"This apartment is really pretty and clean. Even with seven guy's living in it. Yi can't even keep his side of the bedroom clean." NaMi says out loud and I laugh at her amazement.

"NaMi, this is Jin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung is the leader but I think he's at the studio still." I tell her and she looks to Jin with a stern face.

She looks him up and down before smiling and hugging him tightly.

"Thank you for taking care of Hero, i'm sorry he's such a handful. Has he asked you about helping him find his parents yet?" she talks too much I swear, but I let her continue anyways not really caring.

With a nod of his head she continues, "He asked Yi and I a few years ago, there is no information that we can find so far. We've looked through birth records and everything we could think of." she told him.

I left the kitchen leaving them to talk more. In the living room Yi was sitting on the couch talking to Hoseok and Yoongi. The door opened and I expected Jimin to walk in but instead Jungkook and Namjoon did. They said hey and gave me smiles as they walked by. Jungkook told me Jimin had texted him saying he would be back soon and to start dinner without him.


After a little while of talking we finally finished dinner and set the table. As we put food on our plates the door opened. I got up so quick and walked into the living room. There was Jimin, a stupid smile placed on his lips and flowers in his hand. I smile running over to him, I kiss him on the lips passionately before pulling away and hugging him. A chorus of 'awe's rung out but I didn't care.

I let go of him and took the flowers, we sat down at the table and started eating dinner for real. Now I wasn't in such a gloomy mood that Jimin was here beside me.(1000)


(Short I'm sorry, but it's a thousand words exactly. Besides these few, but the story part is and I thought it was a good ending for the chapter anyways. Thank you for reading the chapter, hope you continue reading and like the story.)

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