Best M8

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Friendship knows no bounds between forgiveness and understanding.

-Aria Nemuyco

Carmela's POV:
"What?!" CJ yelled in outrage. He glanced anxiously at Jeromeo, wearing a horrified look, Jeromeo wearing the same.

"Do it! You aren't a chicken, are you?" I smiled evilly at the two.

Slowly and awkwardly, they locked their hands and avoided each others' eyes during the whole game. Everyone bursts into laughter, almost crying tears of joy.

"I will end all of you!!!" CJ gives us all a death glare, but we were uncontrollably laughing our butts off.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Geo popped in and sat beside me.

"We're playing truth or dare...." Aria said. "Run, while you still have a chance."

He shrugged and remained in his seat, so incredibly close to me.

Why was it bothering me so much?

"Pst," Geo called while they played. "Sorry about earlier."

"What's there to say sorry for?" I asked soberly.

"For leaving you, and sort of.... Slightly ignoring you."


"Okay, maybe not slight."

We laughed softly when suddenly Biclone catches our attention.

"Guys!" Biclone giggled. "Sh, it's Aria's turn...."

"Damn it." She narrowed her eyes, and unluckily landed on Geo.

"Geo," she points out. "Who is the best person you could call as a friend in this circle except for Dante?"

"He's not here...." Carmela said.

"I don't care if that retard's here or not!"

"Hey!" Dante calls from the next table over. "I heard that!"

"I have no friends." Geo answers plainly.

"Stop lying, dork. Now who?"

All our eyes and ears were wide open, anticipating for his answer.

"Carmela," Geo said promptly. "Obviously."

"Of course. That was so obvious, Aria," CJ slapped his forehead. "What a waste on a perfectly good-

"Shut up, gas tank!" She scolds and looks back at Geo. "Why?"

He shrugged. "She likes videogames, and um, I don't know? She's fun to hang out with."

"Fair enough."

"Uggghhhhh, my turn!" CJ uncomfortably shifts his hand away from Jeromeo. "I dare myself to let go of Jeromeo! Done!"

He lets go of him and went to the bathroom to wash away every single Jeromeo germs he had on him.

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