Thank You

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You are appreciated,
isn't that enough?


Geo's POV:
"Well, isn't it hot out?" I commented as the heat from outside our luxurious air conditioned classroom, slowly made its way inside.

Right now, it was just Carmela, Jeromeo, and I.

We were sitting beside the door, so the heat outside could be felt immensely.

"No doubt," Carmela answered.

It was May, almost all the high-schools in the Philippines were already having their summer break, enjoying rest and relaxation, while drinking cold iced tea.

While we were stuck in our classroom, still learning the basics of statistics and answering essays about the change of Persia.

Damn you, HTEC.

"I-I need.... Something cold. It's just too hot." Jeromeo squealed.

"Same here," Carmela looked around. "Biclone isn't around to order around."

"Jeromeo!" She called. "Buy me an iced tea from the concessionaire."

"Noo wayyy," he whined.

"Then you do it, Geo." He waved the paper bill to me. "There's some hot sunlight out, you need the tan."

"What?" I asked. "I was about to ask you the same thing."

I held out a paper bill, waving it around and raising an eyebrow at my friends.

"There's no way I'm gonna buy you lazy bums refreshments," Jeromeo shook his head.

"Just do it, short stack." Carmela commanded. "You could use the energy burning."

"Why don't you do it, you could use the exercise."

"What was that?!"

"Alright," I intruded. "To settle this, why don't we play a game."

"It's too hot to move, zura...." Carmela comments.

"Who's Zura?" Asks Jeromeo.

"No, you don't need to move. It's just a simple game of rock paper scissors."

Jeromeo and Carmela looked at each other, then they glared at me. They both shrugged, and held out their fist in unison.

"Let's play first," Jeromeo steps in.

"Don't mind if I do," I cracked my knuckles, then I held out my fist.

We played for about five rounds, and I won all the points. His face showed a confused emotion.

"What?" He yells. "Double or quits!"

We played another game, and he lost again.

"No! No! No! Triple or quits!"

Then! He lost.

"Qu- quadruple or quits...."

And.... He lost.

"Quintuple or quiiiiiits."

"Alright, that's enough."

"Well sucks for you," Carmela teases. "Now go buy me an iced teeeaaaa."

"This is impossible! He's too fast!"

That was true *winks*

"Stop whining and buy me an iced tea."

"Hold up Carmela," I smirked. "We haven't finished this game yet."

I held out my fist to her.

"Aw, do we have to?"

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