New Life

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Chapter Nineteen

Emily's Point Of View

The other final day went by smoothly. I wasn't bullied once. On the last day I was jumping out of my skin. Ricky was picking me up after school and driving me to meet up with the guys.

Once the last bell rang I ran out of the room and ran into Zach.

"Where's the fire?" He joked. I punched him lightly in the arm.

"No where, Ricky is picking me up" I told him with a smile.

"Awwww you two are adorbs" he said jumping up and down.

"And you are sooo gay"

"Well duh I know"

We parted ways at the door and I walked as fast as I could to the parking lot where I saw his black car, and of course there was screamo coming out of it. Some people banged on the hood saying freak, or mutant. One of them being Joe.

I walked over slowly then, hoping they would no leave, but they didn't.

"Look the mutants stick together" Hailey said when she saw me.

"Er, hi Hailey"

"Don't say her name, you aren't even worth enough for that" Joe spat at me, walking to me and grabbing my shirt.

"I suggest you let my girlfriend go" Ricky calmly said to Joe.

"Your girlfriend?" Joe asked.

"Why would anyone want her?!" Hailey screeched.

"Because she's beautiful and awesome, and I suggest you let her go before I make you"

Joe let go, and walked away. Surprisingly, a little crowd had formed. I ran up to Ricky and kissed him. He caught me and spun me around laughing into my kiss. When we broke the crowd was still there.

"Do you need something?" I asked. They all broke away leaving Cortney, Delana, and Zach.

"I can't believe you are leaving" Cortney said, hugging me.

"I'm not going that far" I told her. "His apartment is only 30 minutes away, it's just tour you have to deal with, but that's not for forever."

"I know but, I usually see you everyday" Cortney said, sobbing.

"Aren't I supposed to be crying, I mean I am the gay one" Zach interjected while hugging Cortney.

"How about no one cries and we plan to see each other when she gets back?" Delana asked.

"I like that idea" I said, chuckling a little.

"Okay ladies, we have to go" Ricky said unwrapping his arm from me and opening my door.

"Bye guys!" I yell getting in.

Ricky gets in the drivers seat and pulls away, leaving my old life behind to start a new one.

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