Thinking of Ricky

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Chapter Eighteen

Emily's Point Of View

I woke up on Monday feeling tired and a little upset. Ricky and the band had left yesterday to finish their tour and I was staying at Delana's house until I could join them on Friday.

After breakfast Delana and I met up with Zach and all walked to school together. After the first final I was walking to our lunch area when I saw Joe smirking at me. I noticibly shuddered and that made his smirk grow.

I started walking faster when he moved to come after me. I was almost running by the time I got to the staircase and went down. I tripped at the bottom a little but Zach caught me. He looked up at me but then looked behind me. I could only assume that Joe was there, probably annoyed that I was now with people who would help me.

When Zach's face went from frightened to relieved I finally stopped shaking and walked out of his grasp. My other friends who don't know about Joe were all staring at me like I was having a stroke. I told them I was fine and they let it slide.

The day went smoothly after that, I finished my exams and walked home with Delana and Zach, we were hanging out with him today.

The next morning I woke up and felt weird. Actually, it was more I felt good which has never happened. I went down to breakfast and smiled when my phone went off revealing a Goodmorning text from Ricky.

Nothing happened in school today. It was weird. I've been getting used to be terrified when I walk up to the building but today I walked in happy and I didn't even see Joe. It was like he wasn't even there.

I went to the mall that night with Cortney. She said if I was leaving in two days to live with my boyfriend, I needed new clothes. We spent the whole night in Hot Topic and Zumez. Then she turned towards Victorias Secret.

"Cortney" I started, "where the fuck are we going"

"You are living with an older man girl" she smirked, "you need to be sexy"

I rolled my eyes and followed her in, knowing she would buy me something even if I didn't go in with her. I ended up getting a black lace "outfit" that had a top like attachment to the bra.

That night I went to bed thinking of Ricky.

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